Elevate Your Email Marketing Game with “Hit the Inbox”

Email marketing has been around for a while, but it's still one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and promote your business. However, many small business owners struggle with getting their emails delivered to the inbox and even more so with getting their subscribers to open, click and take action on those emails.
That's why this week's Author Factor Podcast episode featuring Scott Hartley, author of "Hit the Inbox" is a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their email marketing game. The book is aimed at helping users get their emails delivered, opened, and acted upon. Scott, who has been working with service-based and small business owners for years, has condensed their knowledge into a concise book that can help users run profitable email marketing campaigns.
One of the key takeaways from the episode is that sending frequent emails can be beneficial if they provide substantial value and are well received by the audience. Scott recommends sending at least one email per week to the email list, but also advises against sending too many emails that are just promoting products or boring content. The book includes tips on crafting attention-grabbing subject lines, designing effective emails, and measuring the success of email marketing campaigns.
Other tips covered in the episode include why HTML style emails with product images work better for ecommerce brands, while text-only emails work better for service-based businesses, how to ditch the newsletter and send targeted emails with one clear message and call-to-action to improve open and action rates, and why tracking engagement numbers is crucial to making informed decisions about the success of email campaigns.
"Hit the Inbox" can be purchased for just $7 for the digital version with two bonuses included on the website. If you're struggling with email marketing, or simply want to elevate your game, it's a small investment that could pay big dividends for your business.
Tune in to the podcast to hear more about the speaker's journey and effective strategies for improving email marketing campaigns.
Get all the details here: https://authorfactor.com/scott-hartley