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The Magic of Free Books - Amazon #1 Best Seller
Need a potent marketing and sales asset your competition doesn't have?
In The Magic of Short Books, I explain why the short, helpful book is the ultimate one!
It's a fact that most business books are bloated and unnecessarily long, which results in reader frustration and often times not reading the entire book.
It also makes writing and self-publishing books more tedious and time-consuming.
In era of short attention spans and time-strapped schedules, The Magic of Short Books presents a simple, yet thought-provoking idea for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to publish a traditional book to promote themselves and their business.
What if you could discover a simple, easy and proven formula for writing a customer-attraction book that attracts new customers instead of having to pursue them?
What if, rather than slaving months or years to write a traditional 250-page book, you could create a 100-page short, helpful book in just days or weeks?
What if prospects and customers loved your book because it was focused and easy to read in about an hour?
Imagine book readers reaching out to you (instead of you pursuing them) because your book made a connection with them.
This is the magic of short, helpful books or shooks as I call them.
Shooks are focused books that can be read in about an hour and lead readers to connect with you and become a customer. Inside The Magic of Short Books you'll discover:
- The Direct Response Marketing Power of Shooks
- A "Paint by Numbers" Template for Your Shook
- How to Author Your Shook
- How to Design Your Shook
- How to Publish Your Shook
- How to Leverage Your Shook
The Magic of Short Books makes writing a book simple and straightforward. It contains practical and proven advice for authoring your own customer attraction book for your business.
Before you think about writing a book for your business, invest an hour of your time and read The Magic of Short Books. It is short on purpose and will open your eyes to a better, faster and easier type of nonfiction book for you to create and for your potential customers to read.
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The first step to creating your first shook is a no-obligation, fact-finding call with Mike Capuzzi, Founder of Bite Sized Books. This one-on-one call will help him understand what your business and what your goals are.
There is no obligation on your part until you have decided to become a client. I look forward to hearing from you, and more importantly, working together to design one of the most powerful and effective marketing assets you can create for your business.