Announcing The 100-Page Book (An Amazon Best Seller)

My latest short, helpful book (shook™), The 100-Page Book, is now available on Amazon as a print book, Kindle book and audio book, and as of today’s date (early January 2021), it has been an Amazon #1 bestseller for six months!

But first a warning, this book is not for everyone. The 100-Page Book is not focused on convincing you to write a book or showing you how to make money selling books. Instead, this is all about how to create a strategic sales tool for your business, by self-publishing a book.

I wrote The 100-Page Book for local business owners and the business owners who serve these Main Street business owners to show them how to author a customer attraction book to differentiate their business.
The 100-Page Book is all about saving time, generating profitable results and creating a business asset that will differentiate your business and position you as an authority.
There is no shortage of how to author a book books or books on how to self-publish a book, however what I share in The 100-Page Book is different for many reasons, including:
- A 100-page book is faster to write and publish—big benefits for you!
- A 100-page book if faster and easier to read—big benefits for your readers!
- Short, helpful books, around 100-pages, are ideal for today’s busy consumers.
- My specific, direct-response marketing recipe for writing a customer attraction book.
The 100-Page Book is about writing a book fast to attract your ideal customer and getting them to take the specific action shared in your book.
Not only that, this book (which should take you only about an hour to read), shares these gems of wisdom:
- The #1 reality of what your book really is (page 19).
- Forget these two things and your book is diluted (page 21).
- The critical first step before writing a single word (page 23).
- The critical second step before writing a single word (page 29).
- A Capuzzi-mantra to always remember (page 36).
- The critical third step before writing a single word (page 51).
Get My Personal Shook Recipe!

The 100-Page Book is short on purpose and you will be able to quickly read it and start on your own 100-page book.
The first part focuses on who I wrote this book for and what my ideal reader will get out of it (including some special gifts).
The second part focuses on my 100-Page Book Blueprint and shares the exact recipe I use for my own books and my clients’ books. I also share my best strategies, examples and resources for creating your own short, helpful book.
The last part shares an effective path forward for you to create your own 100-page book, plus, I am including several bonus gifts I created exclusively for readers of The 100-Page Book.
Pick up your copy today of best selling book by clicking the Buy Now button below!