3 More Good as Gold Marketing Ideas

On the last episode I shared three “as good as gold” tips to make your marketing stand out and get attention!

On this episode, I am going to give you three more golden tips on how to make your marketing unique-looking and attention-grabbing.

So, get ready for 3 in 3!

High Impact Marketing Idea #1—Use Golden Tickets

On the previous episode of 3 in 3, my last tip showed you how you can print on gold.

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One of the cool things you can do is create “golden tickets” for your events, raffles, etc. to convey value and prestige.

I first saw this done by my friend Mike Crowe and when I saw his golden tickets I was immediately impressed and began using them myself.

You can easily do these yourself by grabbing some metallic gold cardstock and designing and printing your own tickets.

High Impact Marketing Idea #2— Mail in Gold

I love using metallic gold mailers to send various items in the mail and lately I’ve been advising my short book publishing clients to send out their “shooks” in gold mailers.

One of my clients, Doug Brown, sends his shook in a padded metallic gold mailer along with a letter with “golden language.”

He even sends out a second mailer a few weeks later, this time in a metallic gold “glamour” mailer.

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You can easily get these types of metallic gold padded mailers, glamour mailers and envelopes at Amazon.com.

High Impact Marketing Idea #3— Send Gold

If you like to use “lumpy” mail or use WOW! packages including “gold” is a sure-fire way to get attention!

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Over the years I’ve included “gold coins” and “gold nuggets” in direct mail campaigns and my own WOW! packages.

You can put them in simple clear bags

Or put them in these little burlap bags for some added mystery.

Either way, sending gold is a fun way to engage!

So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3.

I hope you found these two golden episodes useful and if you have any other golden ideas, leave a comment below.

Until next time, keep on marketing!


  1. Doug Herbert on June 20, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    These are great ideas, Mike. Thanks for including where to purchase the items.

  2. Mike Capuzzi on June 20, 2019 at 12:50 pm

    Thanks Doug!