3 More Quick & Easy Copywriting Tips

On the last episode of 3 in 3, I shared three copywriting tips and on this episode of 3 in 3, I am going to share three more helpful copywriting tips I personally use, so get ready for 3 in 3.

Copywriting Tip #4 – Be Careful of “That Splat.”

A copyeditor once reprimanded me for the unnecessary and over-use of the word “that” in my copy and ever since then I have tried to remember her words.

In much of the copy I review for clients, I see them making the same mistake I made (and continue to make if I am not careful).

I call it “that splat” and it’s the unnecessary use of the word “that” when writing.

Do a search for the word “that” the next time you are writing.

Chances are you will be surprised how many times you use it and how, in most cases, it reads fine without it.

If you are using the word “that” after a noun, you can usually remove it to make the copy read smoother, e.g. “This is the article that Mike wrote” is better as “This is the article Mike wrote.”

Copywriting Tip #5 – Be Direct

Another copywriting tip I have to constantly remind myself of is the use of what I call “direct language” versus “in-direct language.”

Often, I will write a sentence like, “A customer-attraction short book can attract more ideal customers.”

This can be improved and strengthened by changing the word “can” to “will.”

A customer-attraction short book will attract more ideal customers.

If you are a parent, you get the difference when your kid says, “I can do my chores” versus “I will do my chores.”

The same goes for your copywriting.  Look through your copy for places where you can be more direct and positive.

Copywriting Tip #6 – Hire a Teen

This last tip is one I have suggested in the past and in my own personal case, it has only gotten better for me.

For years, I have paid my oldest daughter (who is now a senior in high school) to proofread and edit my copy.

I cannot believe how many grammar and style mistakes she finds in my copy.

I also get the added bonus of having her question and clarify my ideas which makes them easier to understand for my readers.

And while she may not appreciate it today, she is also learning effective communication and copywriting skills.

If you can find a kid who is interested in writing and is willing and able to help you, it’s a win-win opportunity.

So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3.  I hope you found these copywriting tips helpful. If you have any others you use, please leave a comment below and until next time, keep on marketing!


  1. Phil Brakefield on January 29, 2019 at 9:30 am

    I find that I tend to use “if” instead of “when,” and changing those two words out can have a significant impact, and sometimes, using NEITHER word is even more powerful.

    Example: “If you join my membership program today you will immediately qualify for these fast-action bonuses” vs. “When you join my membership program today you will immediately qualify for these fast-action bonuses” vs. “Join my membership program today and you will immediately qualify for these fast-action bonuses”

  2. Mike Capuzzi on January 29, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    Good one Phil! How’s your book coming along???

  3. Doug Herbert on January 31, 2019 at 8:51 am

    Thanks a lot, Mike, for the tip on eliminating the word, “that.” I tend to overuse it in my writing, so it’s great to be reminded to delete it in many cases.