3 Current Philadelphians Business Owners Should Know

Welcome to this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi - the only web tv show guaranteed to give you three high impact marketing tips in only three minutes or less!

I'm Mike Capuzzi and thanks for watching.

On this episode of 3 in 3, I am going to continue to have a “Philly Phocus” in honor of the Philadelphia Eagles heading to the Super Bowl next week.

On the last episode I shared three historical Philadelphians who are relevant to business owners today and on this episode, I want to share three of my current Philly-area friends you should know.

Get ready for 3 in 3!

High Impact Marketing Tip #1

My first friend is an extraordinary lawyer, speaker, author and truly one of the nicest people you could meet.  I’ve known Dave Frees for 12 years now and his wisdom and generosity never cease to amaze me.

Recently Dave started the podcast, In Top Form.

In Top Form finds & gives you the very best thinking, science, strategies and tactics to achieve a better life, more profitable business and robust health.  Knowing Dave and his team this is time well-invested.

Check it out on Facebook or at www.InTopForm.tv

High Impact Marketing Tip #2

My next tip concerns two brothers, again who I have known for the past 12 years.

Steve and Bill Harrison are known around the world for helping people who have a message they want to share get publicity and create best-selling books.

Their expertise and guidance has launched many brands you would recognize, including the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and Rich Dad Poor Dad.

If you have a book inside you that is waiting to come out, Steve, Bill and their entire company are the best and you cannot go wrong with them.

Learn more about their programs at www.SteveHarrison.com.

High Impact Marketing Tip #3

My last introduction is with somebody who was still in college when I first met him and has turned into an extraordinary author, businessman and marketer. I met Pat Flynn at the gym where I did kettlebell classes and quickly grew to like him because he was an advanced student of marketing.

He is a world-famous expert on kettlebells and other fitness-related topics and recently founded the Strong On online community for people interested in his unique take on business, health and fitness.

Pat is also getting ready to release his newest book in late 2018.  Learn more at www.ChroniclesofStrength.com.

So that wraps up this second Philly Phocus episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi.

On the next episode of 3 in 3, I hope I am going to be able to celebrate a Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl victory.

I hope you profit from the tips I’ve shared and until next time, keep on marketing!