4 Smart Ways Any Type of Offline Business Owners or Professional Can Use Webinars to Generate Profitable New Revenue Streams!: Part 1

offlineA smart way to add bottom-line sales and more unique and credibility-boosting value to your business is to start using webinars. Webinars have been around for years and if you’re not familiar with them they’re a great way to host virtual meetings and presentations without ever having to leaving your office. Webinars are also super-convenient for your attendees as they too don’t have to leave their office or home and can simply watch and listen on the computer, iPad, or even smart phone!

A webinar is typically a live video and audio presentation where attendees can see your computer screen and hear you talk as you navigate through a presentation, “how to” demonstration or anything else you’re showing on your computer. They also provide a rich participation environment and give you the flexibility to provide:

• Handouts before or after the webinar
• The ability for attendees to ask questions during the presentation
• Live chat with the organizer or other participants
• Live attendee polls for getting instant feedback
• Automatic follow-up marketing to attendees and even non-attendees

The other good news is if you can use a computer – you can host webinars – and I cannot think of a single type of business owner who could not figure out how to host either live or recorded webinars and help strengthen their relationship with their customers, clients and prospects either in a small, 1:1 webinar or a large-scale group webinar.

Today’s webinar technology allows you to host LIVE webinars or RECORDED webinars that can be played on-demand or on some type of pre-determined schedule. And before you think you cannot use webinars in your business or think they are too complicated, I want you to know neither of these thoughts is correct and to prove my point, I’m going to describe four ways, four different types of business owners can use webinars to generate or reinforce their business relationships. Think about your own business and how you might be able to use webinars as you read through these scenarios.

Scenario #1: Restaurant Owner – Online Classes
A smart restaurant owner could use webinars in several different ways. They could host virtual cooking classes for a fee where they show attendees how to make their signature dishes. In this scenario, they could show videos or photos of how the food is prepared. Another way a restaurant owner could use webinars is to create short webinar presentations that showcase the ingredients and how carefully their signature dishes are prepared.

Scenario #2: Estate Planning Lawyer – How to Presentation
Having personally just gone through this experience and having to attend several in-office meetings to go through forms, I can envision an estate planning lawyer using webinars to walk their clients through complicated legal forms and outline the entire estate planning process either live on a monthly basis or via a webinar replay.

Scenario #3 – Real Estate Agent – Virtual Tours
In the ultra-competitive world of real estate agents, rising above the mediocre masses is critical. Imagine a forward-thinking agent who offers her clients the opportunity to learn about a number of homes without hours of driving around. A personalized presentation could be given to a client and then after they’ve narrowed down their preferences, property visits could be made.

Scenario #4: Software/Technology Sales Professional – Software Demos
The smart technology sales professional could use webinars to generate leads for their products and services. Direct mail, email marketing and social media marketing could all funnel leads into a webinar presentation quickly and easily and without ever having to jump on a plane. Software demos and Power Point presentations work great as webinar content.

So there you have four ideas I came up with for different types of offline business owners. I know there are many others out there and the use of webinars in your business is only limited by your creativity and imagination.

Stay tuned for next week’s article where I’ll discuss different ways online business owners can profit using webinars!

perfect webinar

To help business owners get started using webinars, I’ve created a great product called How to Boost Your Business with P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Webinars! I’ve been using webinars since 2004 and How to Boost Your Business with P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Webinars contains all the strategies, tools and techniques to create hugely profitable webinars, including my proven 7 step strategy to Plan & Promote, Engage, Record, Follow-up, Edit, Convert, and Turn a webinar into a cash machine for your business!

Start creating webinars in your business today!