A simple example of thoughtful target marketing

If you’ve read any of my previous articles, read my books or seen any of my webinars, you know I constantly preach the critical importance of knowing “who’s your who.”  There are a number of reasons why knowing who your who is important and one particular reason is the notion of what I call “thoughtful target marketing.”

I’m sure you’ve heard of target marketing, which essentially means crafting your marketing message around the pains, wants and needs of a specific target recipient.  It’s a very powerful concept a lot of business owners either forget or ignore.

Thoughtful target marketing goes one step deeper and uses language and imagery to evoke a certain emotion in a very specific recipient.  Whereas many people who will see the marketing message will gloss over the copy and images, for a certain few there will be an instant and powerful connection.

This connection will get their attention (marketing’s difficult first task) and gets them engaged in the message.

One business owner and high-impact marketer who does this right, over and over again, is Richard Hauswirth, owner of Hauswirth & Sons Insurance Consultants in New Jersey. Richard and his team create some of the most engaging and attention-grabbing “Main Street-type” marketing I’ve ever seen (which is why his agency is so successful).

During a recent consulting day, Richard showed me a graphic that shows all his various marketing systems and campaigns and to say I was impressed is an understatement.  His marketing is dialed in and works.

One particular campaign he showed me and one I want to share in this article is a postcard campaign to a very specific target market (which I’m sure you can identify immediately) and illustrates the concept of thoughtful target marketing to a tee.



Richard sends these postcards out by the thousands to local residents of a certain age and as you can see he is doing everything possible in postcard to connect with his “who.”

Notice the retro graphics (including an old-style TV and telephone), references to classic television shows and even a few CopyDoodles® for a little extra personal touch.  NONE OF THIS is done haphazardly and everything, down to the CopyDoodle that encircles the recipient’s address, is done with thoughtful target marketing intention.

The results speak for themselves and when I asked Richard about this campaign he declared it a “big winner.”

So how can you go deeper with your next marketing campaign?  What can you create which will connect, not with the masses, but with the select few you’re really trying to attract?  If you’re dealing with a more “mature” audience, vintage references like Richard is making is a sure strategy for getting your marketing noticed.


I would love to hear about any thoughtful target marketing strategies you’ve used with success.  What little extra thing have you done to really drill down and get a very specific type of person to respond?  I’ve got two copies of the brand new book, Jumpstart Your Creativity by Steven Rowell and Shawn Doyle and I will send to two random readers who leave a comment below.



  1. Paul on December 5, 2013 at 10:53 am

    Mike, I like the postcards but can we use celebrities in our ads in this way, legally?

  2. Edwin on December 5, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    Mike, very interesting marketing and it even gave me an idea for a three step sequence I am wrapping up. Circling the address on the post card is something I did not think about until now. Even if the above is not personalized (which I believe it’s not), the circle definitely draws attention to the recipient and even adds a “personalized feel” to it just by that small change. I believe this is targeted perhaps to those in their 50s-60s? I personally am in my low 40’s but the I love Lucy got my attention just because I watched her when I was younger while in my home alone watching TV. Very clever. I’m sure the sky is the limit; you can use past cartoons, comics and so much more to connect with your prospects. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Mike Capuzzi on December 5, 2013 at 4:27 pm

    Good job Edwin. Keep moving forward!

  4. Mike Capuzzi on December 5, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    Paul, you bring up a very good point. I have two answers, of which I am only going to share one here in a public forum. You do have to be careful with trademark and copyright infringement with anything you do in business and the bigger and more “out there” you are, the more exposure you have. Having said that, you see often see examples of marketing that is “legally questionable.” I see it on television, in the newspaper, etc. I am not a lawyer and this is only my opinion, but for a small local business I am not sure how much risk exposure there is. But then again, that is up to the individual business owner.

  5. Andrew Mazer on December 5, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    Mike, this is the sentence that got me the most: “It’s a very powerful concept a lot of business owners either forget or ignore.” As much as a read and study the subject of marketing and copywriting, in the hierarchy of key ingredients, it’s easy to forget key fundamentals. That’s why I always read your stuff. It’s always worthwhile.

  6. Mike Capuzzi on December 5, 2013 at 6:55 pm

    Thanks Andrew! Hope you are well!

  7. greg on December 5, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    by receiving this message I guess I must be one of your “who’s” ??
    thanks…& as usual extremely helpful/interesting. I have always tried to be specific in my marketing
    at the monent my odds are looking one of three in seven…
    (I did “that” on purpose !!)

  8. Jon on December 5, 2013 at 11:22 pm

    Based on our conversations, I just mailed out 100 bank bags to the top 100 franchisees asking them to claim a free CD with a presentation. The presentation speaks directly to them and is all about FASTSIGNS success and how they can incorporate. We shall see what happens, but it was definitely written and presented to be directly to them. Thanks for your guidance on that idea and i hope I have some success stories to share soon.
    great article and great job to Richard for continuing to do awesome stuff!

  9. Mike Capuzzi on December 6, 2013 at 7:52 am

    Jon, thanks! And you are on your way!

  10. phil on December 6, 2013 at 3:32 pm

    Love it, Mike! These postcards are fantastic. Sometimes it’s easier to leave it up to design “experts” or stock imagery. Busy, tired, lazy – whatever excuse. But these are great examples of what’s possible if you put the time and effort in. Thanks for the reminder that every element you include in your piece should have a purpose that ties back to your target audience. I’m putting my thinking cap back on 😉

  11. Grant Miller on December 7, 2013 at 11:12 am

    I recently did a postcard campaign “50 Shades of Tan”, obviously playing off of the very successful book and soon to be movie 50 Shades of Gray. I don’t know a woman yet who hasn’t at least heard of 50 Shades so this was a natural tie-in. It broke through the clutter, got noticed and was very successful.

  12. Mike Capuzzi on December 8, 2013 at 8:32 pm

    Grant – very cool. You are a master marketer!

  13. Richard Sherry on December 9, 2013 at 3:05 pm

    In the first one, I like the “Extra bonus” that is really no bonus. I’m referring to the offer to get things done over the phone and through the mail. It’s something provided free that doesn’t cost anything! But it’s something his demographic appreciates. Hmmm…giving something that doesn’t cost anything to give and called it a bonus. THAT’S marketing!!

  14. Mike Capuzzi on December 9, 2013 at 3:19 pm

    Richard, VERY ASTUTE of you to notice that. You are right. For this demographic, this is a bonus!

  15. Mike Capuzzi on December 9, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    Congrats to Phil and Grant. Your book is on it’s way!