Jim Connelly’s Two Questions Which Can Radically Improve Your Business

Every so often in life you get a chance to meet somebody who has profound wisdom and life insights – not the kind of pseudo-stuff you see all over the Internet and at various events, but true, real-world, been-there, done- that wisdom and experience.

One such person is a remarkable gentleman, author and business consultant you will not soon forget. I know I didn’t when I first met Jim Connelly back in 2006, through a mutual friend, Nina Hershberger.


During one of our first conversations, Jim shared a very powerful business strategy which I am going to share with you in this article. In this 30 minute insightful interview, Jim was gracious and shared the two specific questions that he considers to be the most important secrets to his amazing success story. I remember when he first shared these questions with me and the strategy behind them with me back in 2006. I immediately took them and used them to create the most successful GKIC chapter in the world for a number of years. This is definitely no ordinary interview!

I am giving you the audio interview and the word-for-word transcription. Learn and use these questions and I guarantee they will have the same impact on you as they had on me. Enter your first name and email below and I will email you the link to download.


More about Jim Connelly

Jim is a businessman with a distinctive business background and his Rolodex of who he calls friends and colleagues is a “Who’s Who” of noteworthy men and women, including Frank Sinatra, Paul “Bear” Bryant, Lou Holtz, Kirk Kerkorian, Jack Welch, and Regis Philbin.

Early in his career, Jim rose to the level of General Manager of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, one of the most prestigious hotels in Beverly Hills, California. During his tenure, Jim became one of the most respected confidants to Hollywood stars, sports greats, presidents, and captains of industry who stayed at his hotel. He dined with them, hosted parties on their behalf, and had the privilege of calling them friends.

After 10 years, Jim went on to join Wall Street investment banking firm, Shearson Lehman and eventually started 15 businesses.

During his extraordinary career, Jim learned that the secret to any highly successful person is
dependent on their ability to develop long term relationships and early on he developed a simple, but highly effective system for creating meaningful and long-term relationships (something important for all of us).

You can learn more about Jim by visiting his web site: www.jim-connelly.com.