3 Easy Ways to Engage Readers

In this quick and easy to read article, I want to share a simple, yet powerful strategy to engage readers of your books, newsletters and other printed marketing materials.

I call it the Go Get, Go See, Go Hear Engagement Trifecta.

In today’s business environment, marketers, authors and newsletter publishers face a mountainous challenge to get people to read, engage with and act upon their offline (e.g. printed) content.

25 years ago, there were only three media competing for our attention – print, TV and radio.

Now, we have a tidal wave of online opportunities to leverage (and compete with) and if you are still doing things the way you’ve always done, I’m sure you’ve seen diminishing results.

Offering just a single path to absorb your content is a mistake and depending on your specific market’s demographics, leveraging different media is critical to connect with your readers.

A simple way to do this is to use the Go Get, Go See, Go Hear trifecta to sprinkle in opportunities for your readers to actively engage with your content in ways such as:

  • Getting helpful content, tip sheets, exercises, templates, etc.
  • Seeing online videos, tutorials and webinars
  • Hearing interviews, podcasts and online radio shows

For years, smart marketers have been using this Go Get, Go See, Go Hear strategy to add value to their printed publications, and if you’re not doing the same thing, you’re missing out.

With my brand new Profit Automation Letter monthly newsletter, this strategy is a foundational part of the subscriber benefits and one I built the entire newsletter around.


There’s only so much value and engagement you can get with just the printed newsletter, so I decided to add even more value and learning opportunities by including additional, subscriber-only downloadable bonus content, a podcast recording and a web TV show episode in every issue.  The following graphic is a portion of one of the pages in the newsletter, which instructs subscribers to download, listen and watch the bonus content (a slight tweak to Go Get, Go See, Go Hear, which I originally was going to use, but wanted to make it even easier to grasp).


Besides making your books, newsletters, etc. different and unique, the Go Get, Go See, Go Hear strategy offers you, the business owner and marketer, three very important benefits:

  • The more time people spend reading, learning from and engaging with your content, the stronger the personal bonding opportunity.
  • Different people learn and absorb in different ways, and by tapping into different media and human senses, you can help more people grasp your content more effectively.
  • By embedding these online opportunities, you can capture lead information which you can use for automated follow-up marketing campaigns.

If you’re using this Go Get, Go See, Go Hear strategy today in your books, newsletters, etc. send me a screenshot of how you are doing this and I will update this article with your example. Or simply leave a comment below and let others know how you offer ways to engage with readers.