Why Mastermind Groups Are Important for the Future

Two weeks ago, I hosted the first in-person meeting for my 2017 mastermind group and even though I have been leading similar groups for the past decade, hours after the meeting ended, I was still intoxicated by the high that comes from being around and masterminding with smart people.

There is nothing like being in a room with other like-minded, success-oriented business owners, brainstorming, challenging each other and helping each other see new opportunities.

When a mastermind group is properly put together and there’s a real spirit of harmony and focus between members – it’s truly an indescribable and almost magical experience.

[And just for the record, I am describing what I believe to be a TRUE mastermind group.  A dedicated group 8 – 10 members focused on a common objective, and not BIG coaching groups or seminars mislabeled as mastermind groups.]

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These are the types of mastermind groups that are important for the future.

I am a FIRM BELIEVER the world needs more effective and expertly-led mastermind groups.

We need more smart people getting together, focused on solving problems and creating solutions.

We need more business owners coming together, supporting one another and building a strong economy and creating more opportunities.

We need more entrepreneurial spirits dreaming up the next big things to solve all sorts of challenges we all face.

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I am sure you agree with me that if this were to occur it would help everybody.

Remember the old saying, “A rising tide lifts ALL ships.”

I also believe that many people reading this article can and should be leading their own mastermind groups, including peer-to-peer groups and high-level, paid mastermind groups.

Unlike so many other “me too” things out there, starting your own unique mastermind group is a huge game-changer for your members and you.

  • If you have a specific and in-demand skill or expertise;
  • Or you have a UNIQUE BIG IDEA, that would interest others;
  • Or you are a “connector” and can bring people together;
  • Or if you are a known expert or have a certain amount of “celebrity”, the very real opportunity of starting your own high-level, high-fee mastermind group is well within your reach.


If you want the ULTIMATE way to leverage and monetize your time, experience and abilities and ENJOY helping others, getting into the paid mastermind group business is a logical and smart next step for many reasons.

This Friday, April 7 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT, I am hosting a private presentation to show interested business owners what adding a paid mastermind group to their business could look like.  There is a nominal fee to join me for this in-depth look into adding paid mastermind groups to your existing business.  CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT.