3 Reasons to Get Bill Glazer’s New Book

On this episode of 3 in 3, I’m going to share three reasons why you should invest in the latest book from my good friend Bill Glazer, Outrageous Multi-Step Marketing Campaigns That Are Outrageously Successful.

Get ready for 3 in 3!

High Impact Marketing Reason #1

Back in 2009, Bill Glazer published his first book, Outrageous Advertising That’s Outrageously Successful and it quickly became a best-selling book because it enabled so many business owners and entrepreneurs to quickly and easily come up with their own advertising and marketing campaigns based on the ideas contained in the book.

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This new book takes this one-step further and now shares over 40, multi-step marketing campaigns for things like promoting products, services, live events and more.

Bill breaks down each step of each campaign and shows you exactly what was done and what the results were, enabling you to learn from others and use in your own business.

High Impact Marketing Reason #2

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Back in September of 2017, I hosted a private dinner event and invited Bill to attend.  During the evening, he shared his vision of this book and I am proud to say that myself and three other attendees had the honor of contributing a campaign for the book.

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During the dinner, Bill shared how he suffered a stroke in late 2015 and how putting this book together would not only help him recover further, but also generate thousands of dollars in donations to stroke survivors.

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Bill is generously donating ALL proceeds from this book to a Veterans Affairs program that assists veterans who have suffered a stroke.

Buying this book will not only help you but will help others.

High Impact Marketing Reason #3

While there are many other reasons you should grab a copy of this book, the last one I want to share is that everybody who grabs a copy or two, will be invited to a special event Bill is hosting this July in San Diego – Outrageous Campaigns Live.

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Many of the people featured in the book will be at the event, including myself and it’s going to be a great time to network, discover new strategies and build your business.

You will hear more about this very soon!

So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3.

If you haven’t already done so, grab a copy of Bill’s latest book, do so right now by visiting his website, www.outrageouscampaigns.com.

And if you are so inclined, please share this with your business owner friends.

I hope to see you at Bill’s event in San Diego and until next time, keep on marketing!


  1. Rebecca Bloomquist on April 10, 2018 at 10:25 pm

    Oh, YES, just purchased my book! Wouldn’t miss this opportunity for anything. Thanks for letting us know about this ‘outrageous’ resource!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on April 11, 2018 at 8:08 am

    Thanks Rebecca! Hope all is well!