Short Business Book 101: The Front Matter Content
In previous Short Business Book 101 articles, I outlined The 5 Essential Sections In a Short Business Book and Effective Business Book Cover Design Tips.
This article continues an in-depth look at my unique short helpful book (shook™) formula for creating effective short business books. In this article, I will take a deeper dive into the Front Matter Content.
When it comes to writing a short business book, the front matter content plays a crucial role in setting the stage for your readers.
Think of it as the welcome mat to your book—designed to engage your targeted audience right from the start and set the proper expectations for what lies ahead.
This section is more than just a prelude; it's your first opportunity to connect with readers, establish credibility, and provide a clear roadmap of the value they will gain from your book.
By carefully crafting the front matter, you ensure that your readers are primed and ready to dive into the main content, fully aware of the benefits and insights they are about to receive.
The Front Matter Content
Here is a brief, but helpful description of the major parts of a short business book’s Front Matter Content. I am including screenshots from my client, Tracy Hardin’s short business book, How to Cyber Secure Your Business.

Reader Bonus/Gift Offer Page
This is the right-hand side page that is first seen when somebody opens your shook. In many books, this page is left blank or is the title page. In a shook, this page is specifically designed to be a reader bonus/gift page where readers can get a valuable bonus/gift (your Passive CTA).
Also By Page
This is an optional page, but if you’ve created other books, reports, trainings, etc., you should include them on this page.

Title Page
Your title page includes your title, subtitle, and name. I like to design this page so that it leaves room for you to write a personal note and autograph your book.
Copyright Page
This page includes all copyright information, disclaimers, publisher details and important legal information.

Dedication Page
This is an optional page that allows you to dedicate your book to an important person or persons, a group of people, specific niche, etc.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is an important part of your short business book and should entice readers to want to read it. Make sure you check and double-check the titles and page numbers to make sure they are correct before going to print.

This is optional, but if it makes sense and you can find a V.I.P. to write the foreword to your shook, it can make it that much more powerful. My client, Dr. John Frank did this when he had his former NFL teammate, Joe Montana, write his Foreword. When thinking about a person to write it, consider who you would like to have associated with your shook and who may be inclined to share it with their circles of influence simply because they were asked to write the foreword. If you cannot find a notable V.I.P., consider asking a valuable customer to write it for you.
Who Should Read This Book? Chapter
I like to be upfront and transparent with my shook’s goals and exactly who I created it for. While I appreciate people who are interested in my shook, if they don’t fit the profile of the types of business owners I’m looking to attract and work with, they do me little good. This chapter allows me to boldly proclaim who should and should not read it. In turn, this will strengthen the bond with my target readers, since they know I wrote it specifically for them.

My Promise to You Chapter
Starting your short business book off with a bold promise is a smart way to keep you focused on what you must deliver and prepare your readers for what to expect. Few business owners set any sort of lofty expectation these days, so making a promise from the beginning shows you are different than the masses.
I recommend all short business book authors start with a “reason why” Introduction that articulates the reason(s) why you are publishing it. Let your readers know what they will get by reading it, why it’s different, and why it’s important they read it now.

Use Your Front Matter Content As a Welcome Mat to Readers
The Front Matter Content of your short business book is much more than an introductory section—it's a strategic tool that sets the tone for the entire reading experience.
By thoughtfully crafting this section, you welcome readers into your world, engage them with compelling promises, and clearly outline the value they will gain from your book.
This approach not only captures their attention but also builds trust and credibility from the outset.
Using the Front Matter Content as a welcome mat differentiates you and your book in a crowded marketplace.
It shows that you respect your readers' time and are committed to providing them with meaningful, actionable content.
These initial pages and chapters are crucial in guiding readers smoothly into the main content, ensuring they are fully invested in what you have to say.
Ultimately, a well-structured front matter enhances reader experience, sets proper expectations, and positions you as an authority in your field, making it clear that working with you is a smart and beneficial choice.