Copy Cosmetics-Copywriting Design Done Wrong!

Recently, I heard a news report about “Artic goo.

Apparently there is some nasty, algae-type stuff floating around the North Pole. As the camera panned the ocean, this goo was floating on the water’s surface, leaving a disfiguring wound on an otherwise pristine natural setting.

Being a copy cosmetics geek, I couldn’t help but make the mental connection of how many people add a similar type of nasty goo to their copywriting and marketing design, in an effort to grab attention or even worse, make a half-hearted attempt to copy somebody else’s work.

The copywriting “goo” I am talking about is a misuse of the copy cosmetic techniques I teach and like the Artic goo, it takes away rather than adds to the effort. Whenever I speak or coach a master mind member, I always go back to what I call “functional design.” This means that every copy cosmetic technique used has a specific and functional purpose in mind. Everything is done with intention and careful thought. Nothing is done haphazardly.

Here’s a perfect example of what I am talking about…

Ever since I created CopyDoodles™, people all over the world have grasped the power of how adding handwritten notes and doodles to your marketing materials can boost response. However way too often I see what I consider a misuse of CopyDoodles, which I believe can result in decreased response rather than a boost!

Here’s the three biggest blunders I see:

1) Using too many CopyDoodles! The big benefit of CopyDoodles is to create “eye stops”, grab attention and cause the reader to pause at particular locations within your copy. However when too many CopyDoodles are used, it only confuses the reader. I always say “overuse = abuse” and when everything is emphasized, nothing stands out.

2) Using too many styles of CopyDoodles at one time! Currently there are five different styles of CopyDoodles found on the CopyDoodles membership site. This means, if one so desired, five different looking handwriting styles could be used on one piece or web site. BIG MISTAKE! Again I go back to one of the reasons I created CopyDoodles, which is to help people create their own “handwritten notes and doodles” quickly and easily and most importantly realistically! This is a key point – realism. If you were actually adding your own handwritten notes the old way, you wouldn’t be writing in different styles and handwriting – would you? This would make it appear like multiple people are adding notes, which doesn’t make sense to me, so why do it with CopyDoodles? I highly suggest you use one style of CopyDoodles within a single marketing piece.

3) Using too many colors! Much like mistake #2, using too many colors is often distracting and unnecessary. It creates the false illusion that you picked up different colored pens to make your notes. I don’t know about you, but the thought of picking up different pens to add notes to a letter to a friend doesn’t make sense. And if it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t seem real.

Which brings me to my final point. Effective copywriters understand that one of their main missions is to connect with the reader in a personal, 1:1 way. I often teach it’s like writing to a friend. Might you add a doodle here and there to draw her attention to areas within your copy?


Would you make your letter look like a wall of graffiti, with different handwriting and different colors and way too much goo? I think not.

Keep these principles in mind when you craft your next marketing piece and watch your response rates soar!

To get your own FREE CopyDoodles and discover the power of boosting your marketing response using handwritten fonts, CopyDoodles, visit