Copywriting Cosmetics: Why Copy Cosmetics are Important to Your Marketing Success!

If you want to quickly and easily improve the effectiveness of your marketing, whether online or offline, you need to understand the critical relationship between how your copy looks “copy cosmetics” and the response it generates.

Back in April of 1998, marketing guru and master copywriter, Dan S. Kennedy wrote in his newsletter… “Cosmetics Matter!”

What Dan was referring to is one of the most often over-looked and misunderstood copywriting and direct marketing strategies, which concerns “the look” of your copywriting and marketing materials. Regardless if you are working on online or offline marketing, “how it looks is CRITICAL for maximum response.”

While you may not consider yourself a “copywriter” if you are putting words to paper or pixels with the intent of ultimately making money… YOU ARE A COPYWRITER and you should understand the importance of copy cosmetic techniques.

One important note.  Copy cosmetics do not replace the importance of traditional copywriting techniques, such as headline development, creating a compelling offer, etc.

Copy cosmetics enhance the foundation of good copywriting by making your copy visually more interesting and easier to read.

Copy cosmetics include techniques and strategies which:

•    Grab attention!
•    Promise an easy read
•    Convert readership into action
•    “Airs out”  your copy
•    Creates the look and feel of a personal, 1:1 message
•    Creates a “dual readership path” for skimmers

These strategies also allow you to differentiate yourself and standout from the majority of plain vanilla marketers and when used correctly create in increase in response.

So here’s some of my best copy cosmetic tips:

Use interesting photos and images whenever possible.  Typically, these are the first thing the eye is attracted to when glancing at a marketing piece.

-Always have a caption with your photo or image.  It’s logical if the image is the first thing looked at that a caption would be the second, therefore make sure you have a good caption with a strong benefit.

-Use sans-serif fonts for body copy online and serif fonts for body copy for printed materials.

-Vary font size throughout your copy (e.g. a headline at 48 points versus body copy at 12 points).

-Use underlining, boldfacing, simulated hi-lighting and fonts to recreate voice inflection in print.

-Use subheads to break up body copy and offer skimmers a quick readership path.

-Use CopyDoodles™ to simulate handwritten margin notes and doodles.

Remember these tips go along with well-written copy.  They do not replace it, but like a fine wine with a gourmet dinner, it will enhance and improve the overall copywriting design effort.