3 Direct Marketing Resources You Should Know About

On my last episode of Mike Capuzzi’s 3 in 3, I shared some direct marketing insights I gained on a recent consulting day with Dan Kennedy.  I also mentioned Dan’s latest book, No BS Price Strategy (non-affiliate Amazon link) which he co-authored with Jason Marrs.

I highly recommend everybody watching this episode read this book and consider its application to your business and direct  marketing.  I found it quite eye-opening and took several pages of notes.

The logic behind the price strategies discussed in this book could help every single business owner, entrepreneur, and especially anyone who is doing direct marketing.  Dan Kennedy and Jason Marrs share their secrets for setting prices for the greatest gain and they tell you how to compete with FREE which is becoming so prevalent in today’s marketplace.  I highly recommend this book.

Want a fun, attention-grabber for your next direct marketing mail campaign?  Check out the million dollar bills you can print from EasyMillions.com (non-affiliate link).

While these are not new, two different direct marketing campaigns crossed my desk recently using them and both caught my eye.  I think they’re a fun, eye-grabbing way to grab attention, which is the critical first step to any marketing campaign.

The company that makes these also makes a unique million dollar thank you card, so check out EasyMillions.com.

My last tip is for anybody who wants a free set of never-before-released CopyDoodles (these are exclusive and will never even be available in the CopyDoodles Access club)!

We’re going to give you this set if you help us spread the word about the power of CopyDoodles by telling your business-owner friends about the power of CopyDoodles.

You’ll be helping us out (which I greatly appreciate) and you’ll be able to grab two different sets of brand new CopyDoodles as a way of thanking you for your support.

Check out www.copydoodles.com/x/free-copydoodles-friend to grab these CopyDoodles and thanks in advance! {NOTE: Free Offer Ended 9/1/11}

I hope you enjoyed these 3 direct  marketing resources and tips which I have shared with you today and if you have any comments, please leave them below!