What Makes Entrepreneurs Tick

Yesterday, I passed the 100 hour mark on the research and compilation of my upcoming presentation at next week’s Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle SuperConference.

I believe I am working on one of the most comprehensive and in-depth looks into “copywriting cosmetics” and how they can improve response when used correctly.

How their copywriting and marketing projects look is often given little consideration by the marketer, yet it’s critical for getting the attention of the target and ensuring the required call-to-action is taken.

I’ve identified 37 strategies every copywriter, marketer and business owner should be using in their offline and online marketing to improve response and I back them up with real-world illustrations and results.

With so much time invested in this, I am planning on turning this presentation into a full-blown book and two-day workshop.  Stay tuned for details.

My presentation will also include a look at my CopyDoodles.com and how people all around the world are using this one-of-a-kind copywriting and sales-letter resource.  Check it out at www.copydoodles.com!

If you are going to the SuperConference, I invite you to attend my session on Friday, May 1 at 8:00 AM in the main breakout room.  Sure, it’s early, but I will make sure it’s worth your time.

The GKIC SuperConference is THE place where smart entrepreneurs gather and speaking of entrepreneurs, yesterday I took a break to sit out on my deck and enjoy the warm spring sun.

I brought out a stack of old Dan Kennedy newsletters from the 1990’s and was reading through them when I came across this humorous story of what makes entrepreneurs tick.  I remember reading this a while ago and enjoying it, so I thought I would share it with you…

A wife discovers her husband standing over their newborn’s crib.  As he watches the sleeping infant, she sees on his face a mixture of emotions; disbelief, delight, amazement, enchantment.  Eyes glistening, she slips her arms around him.  “A penny for your thoughts,” she whispers in his ear.

“It’s incredible,” he replies – “How can anybody make a crib like that for only $46.50 and make a profit?”