Going to 2016 GKIC SuperConference?

Later this week, on Friday, April 29, 2016, I have the privilege of speaking at the 2016 GKIC SuperConference.  This is the second time I have appeared on the GKIC SuperConference stage in the past six years, and I want to invite you to attend a special presentation I put together just for this event.


If you are not familiar with SuperConference it was started years ago by Dan Kennedy and evolved into a huge entrepreneurial event when Bill Glazer took over in 2004.  For years, the SuperConference was THE PLACE for business owners and entrepreneurs who were looking to network with smart marketers and find new resources to grow their business.

Today, the GKIC SuperConference is continuing to evolve and adapt to the current wants and needs of all types of business owners and I am really looking forward to see what they have put together this year.  I know the blood, sweat and tears that have probably been shed these past few months and I wish the entire GKIC team the best SuperConference ever!


Speaking of efforts, I too have been hard at work preparing a BRAND NEW, never-been-seen-before presentation on an important topic of profit automation and marketing automation (Profit Automation for the Main Street Business).  I deliver it at 4:15 PM on Friday, April 29 in Grand Ballroom 4.


If you are a “Main Street-type” bricks and mortar business owner this session is for you!

Marketing automation has done amazing things for the online marketer, but in the world of the bricks and mortar business owner, where the rubber meets the proverbial road known as Main Street, there’s a different reality.

It’s a fact most marketing automation adopters rarely go beyond the basics of setting up a few automated email campaigns, and in a recent survey of hundreds of bricks and mortar automation users, 86% felt they were under-utilizing their automation platform.

Yet, there’s so much more potential for the business owner who wants to truly leverage the game-changing power of profit automation, and during my session I will cover:

  • How to profit from your existing advertising and marketing, without spending more
  • How to get your door to swing, or phone to ring using the one “perfect” tool your competition is definitely not using
  • How to put out a welcome mat for new customers to turn them into raving fans
  • How to get your best fans to review and refer each and every day
  • And more!

This exclusive breakout session is designed for bricks and mortar and face-to-face business owners who:

  • Want to get started with marketing automation, or
  • Have a marketing automation platform, but are only doing email marketing, or
  • Have Infusionsoft, but are only using a small fraction of its power

After our time together, you will have a working blueprint to be able to finally leverage the power of marketing automation in your Main Street-type business.  If you are going to the GKIC SuperConference, make sure you attend this session on Friday, April 29 at 4:15 PM in Grand Ballroom #4.