Recent Good Marketing Examples That Caught My Eye – Part 1

Everybody reading this article should constantly be on the lookout for good marketing examples that arrive in your mailbox, email inbox, etc.

There’s a lot of neat ideas and strategies you can use in your business, if you simply have your “marketing radar” on and are always looking for good marketing examples that are getting your attention.

This is why I am such a fan of swipe files and why I am publishing the CopyDoodles Swipe File book, which you can be a part of for free! Visit for more information!

Recently, a number of good marketing examples caught my eye and I thought you would enjoy seeing them along with my notes as to what I think they’re doing right. There’s a total of six good marketing examples and I’m going to cover the first three this week and the final three next week. Make sure you look out for next week’s article, where I am going to show you one of the most unique upsell strategies I’ve ever seen (I think its genius)!

To download a high-resolution version of these good marketing examples, click here:


In this first good marketing example, CopyDoodles Access Club Member Shannon Harvey, created a great-looking direct mail package to help raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Here’s a few of the smart things Shannon did on this direct mail package:

Envelope: I like the association with Shannon and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on the outside of the envelope. This may have been a part of the mailing requirement, however I would like to have tested having the letter come directly from Shannon and add a note about the Society on the outside (basically flip-flopping the content on the envelope).

I like the CopyDoodle® choice Shannon made for the outside of the envelope, however I would have preferred if the CopyDoodle was in color. Again the one-color may have been a requirement for the envelope.

The blue handwritten font (and the partial red handwritten note) showing through the window caught my eye immediately.

Live, first-class stamp adds to the overall package.

Letter: Shannon did a great job with the use of CopyDoodles, photos and captions that tell a story and the clincher that got me to donate was the personal note at the top of the letter from Shannon right to me. Great job Shannon and I hope your campaign paid off big time for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


I saw this next good marketing example at a recent marketing event and it comes from Benjamin Bressington. It’s a four page sales letter that’s disguised as a comic strip. I’m a big fan of using comics and cartoons and Ben’s good marketing example caught my eye at the conference. It’s different, it’s easy to read and it stands out from 99% of the marketing out there. Nice job Ben!

Check out the course I put together on using cartoons in your marketing by visiting


This next good marketing example is from long-time CopyDoodles member, Linda Steele Thom. Linda used one of our CopyTemplates and created her own unique-looking “check self-mailer.”

While it’s hard to see in the image above, this is a single sheet of paper that is folded lengthwise and gets mailed. On the side opposite the address side, is a personalized “check.” The recipient opens it up to a singe-page sales letter.

This is a very unique-looking direct mail piece that is inexpensive to send out and is a good marketing example.

So there’s the first three good marketing examples I wanted to share with you. The next three are a bit more “corporate”, but excellent examples none-the-less. Stay tuned for next week where I’ll share these good marketing examples with you!