High Impact Marketing Manifesto Available on Amazon and Kindle


This month, I released the High Impact Marketing Manifesto to help business owners around the world create more profitable, authentic and integrity-based marketing.  The Manifesto is a collection of unconventional, yet time-tested and proven strategies for "real world business owners."  I define these types of business owners as bricks and mortar business owners, professional practice owners and any business owner who serves a local market and requires face-to-face contact.


The High Impact Marketing Manifesto is a short, quick read, but don't let its small size fool you.  It's the result of the last 20 years of being in the marketing game - every day.   The High Impact Marketing Manifesto is a proven prescription for real-world business owners who are looking to rise above their competition, attract more prospects and leverage existing customers, all while delivering authentic and immense value.

High Impact Marketing solves the pain and frustration of poor results and marketing that doesn’t work and it’s built on four cornerstone principles:

  • High Impact Marketing is an alternative for those who are sick of all the noise, hype and bright shiny objects that are so common in today’s business world.
  • High Impact Marketing is about doing less marketing, better!
  • It’s not about clutter. It’s about connecting.
  • High Impact Marketing is about staying focused on what works.

Built on these cornerstones are 27 unconventional, yet proven and profitable High Impact Marketing building blocks and "profit triggers." Without a doubt, the High Impact Marketing Manifesto should be mandatory reading for any business owner who wants to stand out from the masses.


You can buy the paperback version or Kindle version on Amazon.com, by clicking here.

After reading a preview version, High Impact Marketing extraordinaire, Jeff Giagnocavo of Gardner’s Mattress & More has this to say about the Manifesto, “Just as any God-fearing Christian puts massive importance on the ten commandments so should any business owner of Mike Capuzzi’s High Impact Marketing Manifesto. What he lays out here is to be followed as seriously as any of the ten commandments, that’s of course if you want your business to thrive in today’s economy. The twenty-seven, YES 27, building blocks that Mike lays out clearly and with direction are amazing. Don’t be dismissive thinking this is another “been there, done that” report. Even if you have heard of some, you likely aren’t employing them all, and if you are employing some it’s likely only when you have time. This manifesto is the roadmap to a successful sustaining business that will create a business that most entrepreneurs only dream of.”