High Impact Marketing Report – July 2014 Preview


The July 2014 High Impact Marketing Report is now available to all High Impact Marketing Club Members.

This month’s High Impact Marketing Report is jam-packed with useful money-making marketing tips and ideas for:

  • Bricks and mortar business owners
  • Professional practice owners
  • And any business owner that has face-to-face contact with prospects and customers

Here’s just a quick sample of what High Impact Marketing Members are getting this month:

On page 2 – this month’s Free Surprise Inside! is a very special interview with the extraordinary Jim Connelly who shares the two questions that can radically and dramatically improve your business forever! You may have never heard of Jim, but he has worked with some of the most notable business people and entrepreneurs on the planet. The two questions Jim shares in this interview changed my life back in 2006 and it’s my honor to bring them to my Members.

On page 3, I share two must-read books, an example of a very good guarantee and the one simple thing that has a dramatic effect on webinar attendance.

On page 4, I show my Members a super-simple and super-effective way to spread the word about your product or service.

On page 5 is this month’s 5 Minute Marketing Letter and it’s all about the power of tip sheets, how to use them and how to create them.

On page 9, I share 3 ways you can show off your customers using photographs.

High Impact Marketing Members get all this and more this month’s High Impact Marketing Report PLUS a private webinar where they can ask me their most pressing marketing-related questions.   My High Impact Marketing Club is the perfect marketing resource for bricks and mortar business owners looking to stand out from the competition and improve their marketing results!

Click here to see all the powerful membership benefits of High Impact Marketing Club and get my High Impact Marketing Report sent to you via First Class Mail!