High Impact Marketing Superhero Interview with Dean Killingbeck & Shannon Grace

High Impact Marketing Club Members are in for a special treat this month when they receive this monthā€™s High Impact Marketing Superhero Interview.

Technically this month should be ā€œsuperheroes,ā€ since I interviewed both Dean Killingbeck and Shannon Grace of New Customers Now. Dean and Shannon are masters of creative and high-response direct mail for bricks and mortar, professional practice and retail business owners. They help their customers create direct mail that gets attention and results.


During this 49 minute interview, Dean and Shannon shared more than 40 examples of unique mailers business owners are sending out and in some cases getting a very high return on their direct mail marketing investment.

This insightful interview, which is available in video, audio and ebook formats focused on three specific uses of direct mail for small and medium-sized businesses.

  1. In-house mailings
  2. Every Door Direct Mailā„¢
  3. Targeted mailings

Dean and Shannon shared some of their best tips and strategies for creating high impact direct mail, including these notable examples.


Newsletter postcards which are a quick and easy alternative to sending out traditional four or eight page customer newsletters.


A very unique campaign built around a competitorā€™s store closing and a smart business owner letting local folks know his store is a viable alternative (this is extremely smart!).


A super-unique example of giving away ā€œfree moneyā€ (literally) and how it can work in your favor to drive customers into your location.

These are just a few of the innovative ways Dean and Shannon help their customers create direct mail that gets results and all High Impact Marketing Members should be able to profit from their insights, tips and strategies.Ā  Members will receive a printed overview of the presentation in the mail and can download the video, audio and presentation with word-for-word transcript from the High Impact Marketing Member web site.


My High Impact Marketing Superhero Interviews are special interviews, not with the same-old ā€œgurusā€ everybody seems to interview, but with extraordinary business owners who are doing extraordinary marketing. Published six times a year during the months I am not publishing a High Impact Marketing Report newsletter, these interviews are meant to provide immediately useable marketing ideas and tips for bricks and mortar business owners.

High Impact Marketing Superhero Interviews are just one of the many benefits business owners receive when they join the High Impact Marketing Club, which is a total marketing resource solution for bricks and mortar, professional practice and retail business owners. Itā€™s the culmination of the last 20 years Iā€™ve spent in the marketing game and it solves the pain and frustration of poor results and marketing that doesnā€™t work.