Capuzzi Marketing Masterminds for 2013



“Brains are like batteries… the more smart ones you have around you… the greater the power!”

Or more simply put… two brains are better than one.

Better yet, when you bring several smart entrepreneurial minds together and they are working on a common goal, a synergy happens within the group that could not happen with one person by his or herself.

That’s the power of the mastermind and throughout the ages, smart men and women have joined together for common goal of helping one another achieve their goals.

Great business leaders like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone relied on the power of the mastermind to do amazing things and lay the foundation for unprecedented progress and growth in the United States in the 20th century.

In his ground-breaking book, Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill identified the mastermind as one of 13 universal principles all great leaders and successful business people followed.  According to Hill, a mastermind group is the coordination of knowledge and effort of a group, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.

Study any successful entrepreneur and you’ll see they all relied on the power of the mastermind to achieve and succeed way beyond what they could have done on their own.

What Hill did not address was how to get smart people together to benefit from the mastermind, which is the challenge we all face.

Putting together a properly designed mastermind group is not a simple task.

Since 1998, I’ve been helping business owners and entrepreneurs create their own success and achievements and over the years, I’ve put built many successful marketing-oriented mastermind groups. If you’re looking for such a group, I invite you to learn more about my elite masterminds and what they can do for you and your business.

The Benefits You Can Expect From a Capuzzi Marketing Mastermind

The decision to participate in a formal mastermind group, like a Capuzzi Marketing Mastermind, means an investment in time, energy and money.  You should not take it lightly and I always advise prospective members to do their due diligence when researching mastermind opportunities.

Here are 11 important benefits you’ll receive as a member of one of my Marketing Masterminds.

Focused Input
At every mastermind, you’ll get time where the entire group is focused on your business, your marketing, your challenges and your ideas.  This truly has to be experienced first-hand and words do it little justice, but trust me when I say it’s one of the most powerful business experience, you can have.

There’s an undeniable energy when you’re surrounded by other elite, success-oriented achievers.  While spouses, friends and employees may not “get you”, your fellow mastermind members will.  I work extremely hard to put together groups with the right chemistry to benefit all members.

The collective experience of all group members ensures a higher level “speed of implementation.”  Imagine the acceleration that comes from tapping into the collective brain-trust of your fellow mastermind members who’ve already done what you’re looking to do and can help you get things done faster!

Growth & Bigger Thinking!
All mastermind members can expect new levels of growth, both personally and in their business, when they show up and actively participate in each meeting (and consulting call or consulting day).  It’s practically impossible for this to not happen and for the entrepreneur wanting growth, it’s waiting for them.

High Value and Positive ROI
When you see all I include in my Capuzzi Marketing Mastermind, you see an extraordinary level of value designed for the business owner who wants to grow their business and their personal platform of influence.  I consider it a personal challenge to ensure every member gets an exponential return on their mastermind investment.

Profitable Relationships
An amazing by-product of being a member of a properly constructed mastermind is the joint ventures, business relationships and personal friendships that evolve.  I’ve seen this happen countless times as members purchase other members’ products and services, or they become joint venture partners, or they simply become close friends.

Friendly Accountability
Do you face the challenge of getting things done?  Do you start something and then not finish it?  Guess what, your fellow mastermind members (including me) will make sure you stay on track and get the things done you say you’re going to do.  One word of advice… sometimes this can be a form of tough love, but it all comes from a spirit of getting you to move forward.

New Resources, Strategies, and Short-Cuts
Every time you leave a Capuzzi Marketing Mastermind, you’ll go home with a notebook filled with valuable tips, resources, strategies and short-cuts to success.  I encourage all members to bring at least one shared resource to each meeting and all members are encouraged to hand out marketing examples at each meeting.  This is a great way to generate your own ideas and marketing swipe files.

Refocus, Rejuvenate, Re-motivate!
There is a certain level of rejuvenation and re-motivation that comes from spending a few days in closed-door environment with other smart entrepreneurs.  Simply taking a few days to spend working on your business versus in your business is important, but when you add the extra energy of a Capuzzi Marketing Mastermind it helps clear your head and get you refocused.

Specialized Knowledge and Experience
Every member brings specialized knowledge and experience to each meeting.  The breadth of this knowledge and experience is tremendous and varied.  Past members have included professional direct-response copywriters, Infusionsoft™ experts and marketing consultants.  You can count on your fellow mastermind members to help you with specific challenges you may be facing.

My Personal Attention and Expert Advice
So what’s the most unique thing about a Capuzzi Marketing Mastermind?  Me!  Over the years I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners improve their marketing and their income.  I’ve uncovered countless missed opportunities and created amazing marketing strategies. I’ve also squashed a few ideas I thought were simply bad.

Two Powerful Opportunities for You in 2013!
In 2013, I am running two unique Capuzzi Marketing Masterminds.

Bricks & Mortar/Professional Practice Marketing Mastermind
Bricks and mortar and professional practice owners know they have specific challenges unique to them and they require specialized marketing strategies and techniques.  This group, geared to 6 and 7-figure business owners, will be focused on improving lead generation, maximizing customer profitability and unique and powerful marketing strategies and tactics for growth in 2013.

Info-Marketing Mastermind
If you are an information marketer, who has been in the info-marketing world for five years or less and want to take your info-business to the next level, this is the group for you.  This Info-Marketing Mastermind will be focused on helping you create a platform of influence, new product and service opportunities, strategic marketing practices, maximizing your list value and creating high-income event, coaching, consulting and mastermind opportunities.

Your next step…register for one of my upcoming live mastermind preview webinars to learn more!