Mike Capuzzi’s April 2013 SMART Ideas Issue Preview

The April 2013 issue of the SMART Ideas newsletter is available for all subscribers to access (print editions are being mailed next week). Before I show what’s included in this issue of SMART Ideas, I want to give a shout out to SMART Ideas subscriber, Edwin Soler.

Smart Ideas for Marketing


Edwin helps organizations translate their marketing into Spanish and send me this example of a letter he just sent out that not only uses the nutritional label template from the March SMART Ideas newsletter, but also uses our Spanish CopyDoodles.  Great job Edwin and if you need any type of Spanish translation, his information is on his site at http://www.libreriaberea.com.

Smart Ideas for Marketing

How to Use Pictures in Your Marketing

This month’s SMART Ideas focus is on how to use pictures in your marketing and the types of pictures and photos all marketers should be using to get attention and make sales.  It’s an in-depth look at an often over-looked important topic and as part of the downloadable content, I am giving all subscribers a swipe file of 28 different types of pictures they should use in their marketing..

smart marketing ideas 31

Other Downloads This Month

In this issue of SMART Ideas, I’m giving subscribers a copy of my newspaper article template, which is designed to look like a newspaper tearsheet.  It’s delivered in both Publisher and Word formats and you can easily modify it to create your own customized “news article” in minutes.  Very cool.

Subscribers will also get a Polaroid-style picture template, the picture swipe file, 21 Easter-themed cartoon photo overlays and a Power Pose swipe.

If you’re not yet a SMART Ideas subscriber, visit:


SMART Ideas is the only print and digital newsletter designed to help business owners create better marketing by not only showing them what to do…… but also giving them the templates, graphics and tools to implement them in their business.  It’s as close to “easy-button” marketing as I can make it!

Each issue of SMART Ideas is eight pages of content that is designed to be digested 15 minutes or less.

Each issue is focused on a specific marketing topic every business owner needs to know about.

And each issue has valuable downloadable content that offers you everything you need to implement the strategies I’m focusing on in the newsletter issue.

The SMART Ideas newsletter is your go-to resource for a quick and easy marketing promotion and is the ultimate antidote for the empty screen blues.  Subscribe today!



  1. Greg Russell on March 18, 2013 at 12:19 am

    Hey Mike

    Great post as usual. Your ideas and templates are priceless. Thank you for all your suggestions an recommendations, I really appreciate you.
