3 Ways to Minimize Marketing Moguls

Welcome to this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi - the only web tv show guaranteed to give you three High Impact Marketing tips in only three minutes!  I'm Mike Capuzzi and thanks for watching.

This episode of 3 in 3 was inspired by the Winter Olympics and specifically the mogul skiing competition.  Moguls are like speed bumps that slow a skier down and are a great metaphor to what can happen in your marketing, and how you put unnecessary hurdles in front of your prospects.

On this episode I am going to share three ways to minimize marketing moguls, so get ready for 3 in 3!

High Impact Marketing Tip #1

The first marketing mogul most businesses have is the lack of a big promise of what their product or service provides.  I am not talking about features or benefits.  I am talking about a BIG, BOLD and preferably UNIQUE PROMISE you offer your customers.  This is a worthy exercise and the book What’s Your One Sentence? by Mimi Goss is a suggested resource.



High Impact Marketing Tip #2

The second marketing mogul that slows down the buying process is the lack of a great offer.  A great offer is something that stands out and gets somebody to take action NOW.  It takes time, testing and focused effort to create a compelling offer.  The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner is a good book to help with this effort.

The Irresistible Offer


High Impact Marketing Tip #3

The third marketing mogul most businesses have is the inability to show results and proof their product or service does what they say it does.  Today if you cannot show overwhelming POSTIVE social proof you are the best choice, you have a huge mogul in your business.   Even though it’s focused on a specific niche, my friend Ron Sheetz’s book, Your Patient Attraction Secret Weapon: How to Have a Referral-Driven Dental Practice and Never Advertise Again, is full of useful ideas to get better testimonials.



So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3 and I hope I’ve reminded of you of ways to minimize the moguls in your marketing.

On a side note, if you are in the Philadelphia area and would like to join me and a great group of marketing-oriented business owners at my next High Impact Marketing Dinner on March 1, check out HighImpactMarketingDinner.com to reserve your seat and until next time, keep on marketing!