How to Inform, Teach and Sell with PowerPoint Style Videos

No doubt you’re familiar with and have seen examples of PowerPoint-style videos on the web (if you’re a Mac user, substitute Keynote for PowerPoint).  Even though they are often referred to as “video sales letters,” I believe this description is limiting, since there is so much more you can do with these types of videos.

As a matter of fact, here are 14 smart ways you can use PowerPoint style videos in your business:

  1. Product demonstrations
  2. Video sales letters
  3. Webinar presentations
  4. Tutorials and training
  5. Web TV shows
  6. Frequently Asked Questions videos
  7. Product/service presentations
  8. New customer welcome videos
  9. Thank you for buying videos
  10. Time-sensitive news videos
  11. training videos
  12. Info-marketing products
  13. Personalized birthday videos
  14. Create multimedia newsletters

Personally, I’ve been using this style of online video since 1995.  No kidding!

In my corporate days, I ran the multimedia marketing department for a software company and we used similar type of video to create demo and training CD-ROMs for our software products.

Way back then I used a screen capture product called ScreenCam, which was created by Lotus to create these videos.

Remember the spreadsheet program Lotus 1-2-3?

Same company.

So to say I have a fair amount of experience with creating these types of videos is an understatement and as recently as 2008, I started using them in my current business when I “aired” the very first episode of CopyDoodles TV in April 2008.

This was WAY before the Internet Marketing folks caught wind of these types of videos and started using them everywhere (at least until the next shiny object was “discovered”).

I believe these easy-to-create videos can be used by any type of entrepreneur and in 2013 they are still effective for engaging people and getting your message out there.

One BIG reason I like using these videos is that they allow you to leverage the power of video quickly and easily without the hassle of worrying about on-camera shoots and big video productions. On a side note, the power of online videos cannot be overemphasized.  There are many reasons why creating these videos is very smart, including:

  • The ability to tell a story using multimedia (the more senses you can tap into with your marketing - the better the attention-grabbing power and comprehension).
  • Engaging with your audience with emotion. Doing this with the written word takes a lot of skill, but we can all talk and convey excitement and emotion.
  • Huge “SEO juice” potential.  Videos can rank very high in the search engines and you can leap frog your completion with a few properly constructed online videos.

Once you get a system in place to be able to create these types of videos, you can crank them out whenever you want quickly and easily.  Plus you can leverage these same videos into other media.  This means from the single effort of creating a PowerPoint style video, you can create a direct mail sales letter, blog article or info-product.