Using Your Copywriting Design as a Sales Lead Generator: Are You Wasting Space?

For the last few days, I’ve been an attendee at a marketing event and the stack of sales and marketing literature (used as a sales lead generator for businesses) handed to me, as I type this article, is a testimony to a serious oversight many entrepreneurs, business owners and marketers make when it comes to the design of their copywriting and marketing materials.

As a matter of fact, by simply following the advice I am about to give you, you can avoid making a similar mistake and instantly double the “connection opportunity” of your marketing sales lead generator with each person who receives your marketing materials.

(Interestingly, it’s one of the most common oversights I see when reviewing marketing materials to be used as a sales lead generator and one of the easiest and most cost-effective improvements to make).

So what’s the big mistake?

It’s not using all the real-estate your marketing piece gives you, or in more simple terms, it’s only using one side of the piece you’re creating. It’s much easier to generate sales leads, if you use all the white space available.

Personally, I hate seeing such wasted space and consider it a “marketing sin” to waste such valuable space and cannot think of two many reasons why I would leave a blank side, especially if I am using a piece as a sales lead generator. When creating my own marketing materials, I go out of my way to take advantage of this valuable marketing real estate.

Within the last 24 hours, I’ve received a number of single-sided business cards and single-sided sales lead generator sales sheets from vendors and other attendees and every time I see one of these, I shake my head because of the wasted opportunity to provide more connection points for their readers.

By effectively using the other side, each of these marketers could have provided me with more stories, more testimonials, more interesting visuals, and more reasons why I should do business with them at a very small incremental cost and effort.

Here’s a quick checklist of the most common marketing materials that could be printed on both sides, but typically aren’t:

  • Business cards
  • Flyers and free standing inserts
  • Envelopes
  • Order forms

Each of these items can easily be improved upon as a sales lead generator by taking advantage of their second side that most people leave blank. And since most people are lazy about such things, it gives you the huge opportunity to stand out and grab the attention of your readers.

So what kind of “connection points” can you add to the other side?

I like adding:

  • Customer and client testimonials
  • Photographs of satisfied and happy customers
  • Case studies
  • More compelling sales copy
  • Unique, time-based offers
  • Upcoming calendar of events
  • And I am sure you can think of more!

The key take-away is to review your current suite of marketing literature and your current sales lead generator and where possible take advantage of the second side to create more compelling and attention-grabbing reasons people should do business with you!

I would love to hear about how you’re not wasting space with your and copywriting marketing and hear what you’re using as a sales lead generator to bring in more business, so leave your ideas, tips and stories below!