Sandy Rosenthal Unleashes the Author Factor: 3 Essential Takeaways

Sandy Rosenthal

Meet Sandy Rosenthal

Discover how Sandy Rosenthal exposed a massive federal cover-up in her book, "Words Whispered in Water", and learn why understanding the true cause of New Orleans' flooding during Hurricane Katrina is vital for America's future.

Key Author Factors From Sandy Rosenthal:

1. The Power of Perseverance Against Adversity
Sandy Rosenthal's relentless pursuit of the truth despite significant pushback from powerful entities like the Army Corps of Engineers exemplifies the importance of unwavering determination. Business leaders must remain steadfast and resilient in the face of challenges, using obstacles as a catalyst for strengthening their mission and achieving their goals.

2. Leveraging Technology for Effective Communication
Sandy Rosenthal's adept use of Zoom as a primary tool for promoting her book during the pandemic underscores the necessity of embracing and mastering digital technologies. Entrepreneurs and corporate leaders should recognize the potential of virtual platforms not just for remote work but also for innovative marketing and community engagement strategies.

3. Social Responsibility and Advocacy
Founding and advocating for safer engineering practices demonstrate the impact one individual or organization can make on public safety and policy. Business leaders have a unique platform to champion causes that align with their values, contributing to societal good while potentially enhancing their brand’s reputation and consumer trust.

Listen to the Full Interview Here:

Tune in to the full Sandy Rosenthal episode here and explore the world of authorship, branding, and marketing with The Author Factor Podcast!

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Create Your Own Author Factor!

If Sandy Rosenthal's journey has sparked your interest in writing a nonfiction book, now is the time to take action. I encourage you to explore your own "Author Factor." What unique stories and insights can you share with the world? How can a book elevate your authority and leave a lasting legacy? To discuss your book idea further and discover how to unleash your "Author Factor," schedule a meeting with me, Mike Capuzzi, today. Let's embark on your author journey and make your mark in the world of nonfiction.

Short Business Book Marketing Tips:

For more nonfiction book marketing tips, visit


Who Relies on My Nonfiction Book Publishing Services?

Choosing the right publishing partner for you and your business can be a stressful and overwhelming decision. You don’t want to make costly and glaring mistakes, and you want to ensure your time, effort, and money investments are going to pay off.

The bottom line is working with a publishing partner should give you the peace of mind you deserve.

While your final decision on who you work with will be based on a gut feeling, I do believe you can never have enough information, which is why I share these interviews.

It would be my honor to serve you like all the other business owners I have been able to help to date. To give you a better picture of the types of people I am best able to serve, here is a brief overview of some of those who rely on us for their short book publishing.

1. Savvy Professional Service Providers, Including Lawyers, Insurance Agents, Tax Professionals, and Financial Advisors
Because these types of business owners offer complicated, in-depth solutions to a variety of issues, and they need to streamline their message into a concise, easy-to-understand format, like a short, helpful book. Instead of getting bogged down in heavy details, these business owners need to convey authority and trust in meaningful ways. My proven shook publishing system does exactly this by offering just the right balance of information, guidance, and next-step directions.

2. Forward-Thinking Healthcare Professionals, Including Dentists, Physicians, Chiropractors, and Therapists
Because there is nothing like combining impressive academic credentials, established experience, and the power of being a book author to create exciting new opportunities for you and your patients. Left on their own author journey, these types of business owners can often get bogged down in the scientific minutiae that confuses readers. My clients rely on my vision of the “bigger picture” to keep them and their shooks on point and on target.

3. Innovative High-Ticket Or Luxury Product/Service Providers, Including Retailers and Real Estate Professionals
Because high-end and luxury-oriented consumers
expect their product and service providers to be different, unique, and known as expert authorities. The more affluent your clientele, the more critical it is for you to correctly position yourself and your offerings and be the author of the type of book that immediately raises your status and celebrity and creates a powerful, magnetic effect that draws these affluent clients towards you.

4. Coaches and Consultants Determined to Stand Out, Be Different and Be Recognized as a Valued Subject Matter Expert
Because the business world is full of coaches and consultants who have little to show why anybody should do business with them and why their vision, methodologies, and systems matter. When I work with coaches and consultants, I spend a ton of time helping them uncover what truly makes them special and their unique gifts to be able to help others. Crafting this as the foundation of a shook is one of the most powerful things any coach/consultant can do.

5. Time-Strapped Corporate Executives and Leaders Who Have an Important Message to Share With Their Team or the World
Because corporate executives and leaders do not have the luxury of blindly wasting their time and energy on writing the wrong book. It is critical for these men and women to develop the right “shook hook” and then deliver on that promise. These leaders and executives rely on my skills to make sure we have the ideal shook plan and then rely on my team to take their vision, thoughts, and ideas to create the perfect shook.