Short Business Book 101: The Bridge Content

In previous Short Business Book 101 articles, I outlined The 5 Essential Sections In a Short Business Book, Effective Business Book Cover Design Tips, the Front Matter Content, and the Main Matter Content.

Today’s article focuses on a section of a short business book that I have developed and refined over the years and is one thing that separates my short helpful book or shook™ recipe from every other type of business book format out there.

The Bridge Content

The Bridge Content is one of the main reasons why my shook formula is so powerful for business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders. It serves as a crucial juncture that guides readers from absorbing valuable insights to understanding how these insights are directly connected to your offerings and expertise.

The Bridge Content is the “span” between your Main Matter Content chapters and your “selling” chapters. Up to this point, you have shared helpful information, and now it’s time to connect the dots for your readers and share with them how you can specifically help them.

The Bridge Content is a pivotal section in the structure of a short business book representing a seamless transition from the informative Main Matter Content to the persuasive "selling" chapters.

After engaging your readers with practical, helpful information in the Main Matter Content, The Bridge Content steps in to connect the dots. It's where you begin to shift the focus towards how you can specifically help them implement the solutions you've discussed.

This short business book section is designed to build on the trust and credibility you've established, making it a natural progression for readers to consider working with you. By clearly outlining the benefits and unique aspects of your services or products, you pave the way for a smooth transition into the more direct marketing and sales-oriented chapters.

The Bridge Content is essential because it ensures your readers do not feel abruptly pitched to after being educated.

Instead, they are gradually and comfortably led to see the value in taking the next steps with you. This approach not only enhances the reader's experience but also increases the likelihood of conversion.

By carefully crafting this bridge, you maintain the momentum of your narrative, reinforcing the idea that you are not just an expert, but also a reliable partner capable of helping them achieve their goals.

This strategic positioning is what makes the shook an effective marketing and sales tool, seamlessly blending valuable content with subtle yet powerful persuasion.

Do not be squeamish about this!

It is your job as the book’s author to guide and encourage readers to continue the relationship with you.

Put yourself in your readers’ shoes and imagine you just read a book that really helped you. Isn’t it a distinct possibility you might want more from the author on helping you fulfill the promise of the book?

The 3 Chapters That Make Up the Bridge Content

Here are the three suggested chapters to include in your Bridge. I am still using my short business book client, Dr. Ashley Lucas’ shook as an example of these chapters:

Who Relies on Us/Me Chapter

I discovered this strategy from Dan Kennedy and tweaked its use for shook authors. Including this chapter is a smart strategy for your shook because it reassures readers that you serve people just like them-for a specific reason. This chapter allows readers to find himself/herself and learn the specific reason others like him/her work with you obtain/fix/strategize the specific reason articulated.

Short business book Bridge Content Who Relies On Us

Your “Special Sauce” Chapter

This chapter should describe your unique product or service advantage, which ideally is branded to you and your business. If you can develop this asset for your business, you have a valuable and unique advantage over your competition. 

Short business book Bridge Content Special Sauce chapter

The Next Step Chapter

It’s critical your short, helpful book tells readers the next thing they must do to achieve the goal they were seeking when they first picked it up. I call this the “Active Call-to-Action,” and it’s the thing you want the reader to do after reading your shook. I like to keep this limited to one thing, so it’s clear and simple to do. Depending on your business, it could be to call you, visit you, fill out a survey, etc. Give explicit and detailed instructions on what to do next if they want to solve their problem or achieve their goal.

Short business book Bridge Content The Next Step

Build a Bridge to Encourage Readers to Choose You

Building The Bridge Content in your short business book is an essential strategy for guiding readers towards taking the next step with you.

By seamlessly transitioning from the informative Main Matter Content to the more persuasive "selling" chapters, you create a cohesive and compelling journey for your audience.

This approach not only reinforces the value of the information you've shared but also clearly outlines how you can help them implement these solutions effectively.

Building this bridge ensures that your readers feel supported and confident in choosing you as their go-to expert. It solidifies the trust and credibility you've established throughout the book, making the decision to work with you feel like a natural and logical progression.

By carefully crafting The Bridge Content, you enhance the reader's experience, increase the likelihood of conversion, and position yourself as a trusted partner in their success.

This strategic element is what makes short business book a powerful marketing and sales tool, helping you stand out in a crowded marketplace and reach your business goals.