Short Business Books: A Smart Choice for Writing Your First Book

write a short business book

Short business books are an excellent type of book for first-time nonfiction book authors. 

If you’ve been on the fence about publishing your first nonfiction book, it's natural to feel overwhelmed by the thought of all that goes into brainstorming, writing, and publishing it.

I can remember my own feelings of discouragement when I never thought I could publish a book, and here I am 17 years later and with 20 books under my belt (and over 250+ client-authors).

Its hurdles like these that prevent many entrepreneurs and leaders from never starting (or finishing) their first book, which is a shame because chances are your book could help a lot of people.

But not if it never gets published.

This is why I have focused 100% of my energy for the past six years on helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders make the monumental leap from “book idea” to “book author” by publishing short business books.

In my opinion, short business books, which are around 100-pages and can be read in about an hour, are an ideal choice for first-time authors and here are my top reasons why I feel so strongly about this.

Why Short Business Books Are Great for First-Time Authors

Short business books are a lot less daunting to write, especially when you follow my step-by-step template for them.

Short business books are written in a much shorter time frame than traditional books. This makes it easier for first-time authors to complete their book quickly and maintain momentum.

The faster publishing timeline of short books allows you to get your ideas to market quickly. This is crucial for capitalizing on trends or timely topics in your industry.

Short business books are powerful “conversation starters” and as such, they allow you to share helpful information in “bite sized chunks” which is preferred by most readers.

Short business books allow you to focus on delivering your message with clarity and brevity, which makes your book's content much easier to understand and digest.

Short business books are more likely to be read in one sitting, increasing engagement and the likelihood your readers will continue on the reader path you’ve set in your book.

Being a published business book author enhances your credibility and positions you as an authority in your field. This can open doors to speaking engagements, media opportunities, and new business.

Short business books are excellent marketing tools. They can be used as business cards, lead magnets, or giveaways to attract and engage potential customers and clients.

Short business books have a lower production cost compared to longer ones which means you can achieve your goal of creating something valuable without requiring a significant financial investment.

For first-time authors, a short book is a perfect be a way to test the waters of publishing and see how your audience responds to your ideas. The process will provide you with valuable feedback and experience that can be used for future projects.

Meet a Few First-Time Authors and Their Short Business Books

Business book publishing client, Kyong Lee

Kyong Lee is the founder of Nutley School of Music and an accomplished musician. She wrote the short business book, The Essential Guide to Choosing the Right Music School for Your Family, to help families in her community make a smart choice for their children when it comes to finding the right music school.

Dr. John Frank is a former NFL player and two-time Super Bowl champion who left the NFL to pursue his dream of becoming a medical doctor. Dr. Frank wanted to help men who are losing their hair to make informed decisions about ways to fight hair loss. He published his book, Two-Minute Warning: Winning the Game of Male Hair Loss. Check it out here.

Business book publishing client, Dr. John Frank
Business book publishing client, Dominic Teich

U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, Dominic "Slice" Teich wasn't sure where to start when he first started to work with me in March of 2020. Since then, he has gotten bit by the "short business book bug" and has gone on to publish seven short books to promote himself and his business, including his first book, Single Seat Investor. Check it out here.

Dr. Ashley Lucas has built an 8-figure business in the weight loss industry. When it came time to developing a powerful lead magnet she decided to work with me to publish her first book, 5 Steps to Reset the Scale, which has proven to be quite successful in her lead generation efforts. Check it out here.

Business book publishing client, Dr. Ashley Lucas

Share Your Wisdom & Expertise with a Short Business Book

If writing a book is on your bucket list or you simply are looking for a unique and powerful way to distinguish yourself and differentiate your business, there's no better time than now to start o your short business book.

By creating a short, helpful book, you can quickly and effectively establish yourself as an authority in your field, without the overwhelming commitment of a full-length book.

Whether you want to use your book as a powerful marketing tool, a lead magnet, or simply as a way to share your valuable insights, a short business book is the perfect solution.

It's a manageable project for first-time authors and offers numerous benefits, from cost-effectiveness to quicker time-to-market.

I encourage you to take the next step towards your author journey. If you need guidance, support, or a proven system to get your book written and published, I'm here to help. Feel free to reach out to me for a Shook Strategy Session where we can discuss your ideas and how we can bring your short business book to life.