Maverick MasterMind™: Special Webinar With Mike Capuzzi And Yanik Silver!

Mike Capuzzi and Yanik Silver Maverick Mastermind

Yanik Silver And Mike Capuzzi

Good Saturday morning!

My wife is gonna kill me because I am “working” on a Saturday morning, but I just had to send this mail to you.

For the past 8 months, Yanik Silver and I have been working on a special type of mastermind group.  While its taken a bit longer than we expected, the results were worth the wait.

It’s called Maverick MasterMind™ and it’s really something special.

As a matter of fact, we are doing a LIVE webinar this Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 9:00 PM EDT to describe this unique opportunity.

Join us by saving your seat at:

All the best,

Mike Capuzzi