I Found $250,000 in My Office Today

I woke up at 4:00 AM this morning.Ā  Not by choice, mind you.Ā  But instead it was one of those ā€œan idea popped in my head, while I was sleepingā€ things that happen frequently to entrepreneurs (Iā€™m sure you can relate). Anyway, after tossing and turning for 30 minutes, I got out of bed.Ā  Since…

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Dan Kennedy Visits GKIC-Philly!

On Thursday, March 12, 2009, legendary copywriter and direct marketing guru Dan S. Kennedy visited GKIC-Philly.Ā  More than 320 local entrepreneurs and business owners packed the room to hear Dan’s wisdom on thriving during these tough economic times.Ā  Dan’s presentation was not only full of useful wisdom and actionable items, but it also delivered in…

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