Write On Your Web Site For Attention and Response!

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These days few things stand out on many business web sites and it’s as if many sites come from the same cookie-cutter mold.  Business owners and entrepreneurs are missing out on relationship-building and income-producing opportunities, simply because their web sites fail to grab the attention of viewers.

Smart marketers use a collection of proven response-boosting web strategies to grab the attention of these potentially valuable eyeballs and while there is no one, single “killer” strategy, adding the uniqueness of handwriting and hand drawn doodles to your web site is a proven response booster.

I suppose it’s the jolt of seeing something so personal and hand-made on something that is computer-generated that shocks the eyes and brain to take a pause and try to register what in fact you’re seeing.  Regardless it works and done right, can yield big bumps in response.

As a matter of fact, copywriter Mike Humphreys constantly split-tests elements on his various web sites and found that by adding a single CopyDoodle next to an optin box, he received a 297% bump in the number of people who opted in versus without the CopyDoodle.  Click here to read Mike’s own article on his split test results.

copydoodles before

copydoodles after screen shot

proof copydoodles works

Unfortunately, unless you were an HTML guru, adding CopyDoodles to web sites was limited to placing them around and next to things and being able to “write on top” of your web pages was next to impossible.


With the release of my CopyDoodles® Access Club, members will be able to quickly and easily “drag and drop” CopyDoodles, CopyFlash and CopyStamps ON TOP of their web pages to create a super realistic effect of literally handwriting on your site.

Check out videos where I show you how simple we’ve made this under “Demos” on the site:


Now just about anybody who can drag and drop and cut and paste code can add these proven response-boosting CopyDoodles and more to their web pages.  One beta tester called it a “game changer.”

See for yourself and watch my CopyDoodles Access Club demo videos at:
