3 Books to Start 2019 Off Right

Welcome to the first episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi for 2019!

I truly hope 2019 is a year of good health, peace and profits and I look forward to sharing more ideas, resources and tips throughout this next year.

On this episode I want to share three book recommendations I think are ideal for kicking off a new year, so get ready for 3 in 3.

Book Recommendation #1 ā€“ The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning

I am a bit embarrassed to say this first book recommendation is a few years old, but I just heard about it recently and found its simple and practical advice quite useful.

The book is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

This quick read has over 3,300 customer reviews on Amazon and gives you a new way to look at and structure your morning in order to have an impactful day.

Even though you may have heard bits and pieces of this advice before, I found Elrodā€™s style and instructions quite useful and have already implemented many of his ideas.

Itā€™s also interesting to note that Elrod is quite the marketer and has spun off several variations of this first book, including one for college students which I got for my daughter for Christmas.

You can get it on Amazon or check out his website at www.MiracleMorning.com.

Book Recommendation #2 ā€“ Reclaim the Magic

Reclaim the Magic

The second book recommendation was a gift from the author and friend, Lee Milteer.

I have known Lee for over a decade and started following her advice way back in 2007.

Whereas I am good at helping business owners with marketing, Lee is very good at helping business owners work on whatā€™s between their ears and getting their mindset right.

I have several of Leeā€™s books and courses, but late last year, she sent me a copy of her 2015 book, Reclaim the Magic.

This comprehensive ā€œmind guideā€ is a perfect book to read at the start of the new year.

I enjoyed reading this entire book and found it to be a useful guide to working on how I think versus what I do.

You can get it on Amazon or check out Leeā€™s site at www.LeeMilteer.com.

Book Recommendation #3 ā€“ The Magic of Short Books

The Magic of Short Books

The final book recommendation is one of my own.

If you are a bricks & mortar or Main Street-type business owner who wants to tap into the prestige and power of being an author and having a customer-attraction short book working for you to generate new leads and new customers, you must grab a copy of my newest short book, The Magic of Short Books.

This book will take you about an hour to read and its Big Idea is to give you a ā€œpaint by numbersā€ template for creating your own customer-attraction short book or shookā„¢ as I call them.

Books have been a powerful attention-getting and customer-getting tool for over 100 years and thereā€™s a good reason why you should be using them in your business.

You can get The Magic of Short Books on Amazon or if you want an autographed copy (and free shipping in the U.S.) visit www.MikeCapuzzi.com/books.

So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3.Ā  I hope you check out each of these books and if you have any other suggested books I should know about, please leave a comment below and until the next time, keep on marketing!


  1. Bernie Heer on January 9, 2019 at 11:33 am

    Mike, Happy New Year! I’m halfway through Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. I’m finding it helpful in clarifying my message in a way that won’t bore the pants off of potential clients. Not easy to do in the health insurance biz.

  2. Rod Thompson on January 9, 2019 at 11:40 am

    Hey Mike,

    Always look forward to your 3 in 3 reviews. I’ve just finished an awesome book that you may want to check out. It’s call “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss. Chris was the top negotiator for the FBI’s ant terrorist division and the book offers lots of great strategies on how to negotiate a deal. I actually just used one technique to cut my XM satellite radio renewal by 60%.

    Have a terrific new year and thanks as always (I love my Copy Doodles!!)

    Rod Thompson

  3. Mike Capuzzi on January 9, 2019 at 11:51 am

    Bernie- happy new year to you too. That is a good book for sure!

  4. Mike Capuzzi on January 9, 2019 at 11:51 am

    Thanks Rod!!!

  5. Susan Sparks on January 10, 2019 at 3:41 pm

    I second Rod’s recommendation – Never Split The Difference is a top pick for me. Also Work the System by Sam Carpenter – even a solopreneur benefits from creating systems in their business.