3 Google Tricks I Use All the Time

Welcome to this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi - the only web tv show guaranteed to give you three High Impact Marketing tips in only three minutes!

I'm Mike Capuzzi and thanks for watching.

On this episode of 3 in 3, I'm going to share three helpful Google tricks I use all the time, so get ready for 3 in 3!

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High Impact Marketing Tip #1

Did you know that you can specify certain file types when doing a Google search?

This is a useful feature for research and for checking on files you may have posted to see if anybody is illegally using them.

You can find all the different filetypes Google will allow you to specify here:


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High Impact Marketing Tip #2

I am sure everybody is familiar with Google Images and the ability to search the web for images, however copyright law prohibits the legal use of most of these images.  But did you know you can filter your Google Image search by Usage rights and look for free-to-use images?

All you need to do is type in your search words, click on the TOOLS button and select Usage rights.

You can see a variety of different usage rights, including the Labeled for reuse option, which will return those images you have permission to use.

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High Impact Marketing Tip #3

Google Fonts is a useful feature of Google when looking for just the right free-to-use font for your next marketing project.  What’s neat about Google Fonts is you can either download the font and install on your computer or you can use the fonts on your website.

You can search through categories of fonts.

You can choose from different styles – so if I am looking for a thicker font for a headline, I would increase this.

And then when you find a good font, you can type in your words and see how it will look before downloading.

So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi and I hope you found these Google tips useful.

I would love to hear your ideas, thoughts and any Google tricks you use have so leave a comment below and until next time, keep on marketing!


  1. Susan Sparks on February 13, 2018 at 11:59 am

    Three great tips! Will certainly be using the Google Fonts feature. Thanks for all your great info. May I share this?

  2. Mike Capuzzi on February 13, 2018 at 12:13 pm

    Hi Susan – of course you may share this.

  3. Rebecca Bloomquist on February 13, 2018 at 3:30 pm

    Three great tips indeed! Thanks for sharing! My favorite tip was for the images….gonna use that one for sure.

  4. Mike Capuzzi on February 13, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    Thanks Rebecca!

  5. Jim Edholm on February 14, 2018 at 6:56 am

    Mike –

    Can I filter the fonts thing to find “thematic” fonts? E.g. “Halloween fonts” or “serif fonts”?

  6. Mike Capuzzi on February 14, 2018 at 10:25 am

    Jim – I think so. Check it out and let me know.

  7. Kris O'Connor on February 27, 2018 at 6:47 pm

    You Rock Mike! I am so glad you brought your “3 in 3” back. Love the tips and will be implementing them on my next project 🙂

  8. Mike Capuzzi on February 28, 2018 at 7:41 am

    Thanks Kris!