3 High Impact Marketing Ways to Show Off Your Customers!

High Impact Marketing is all about showing bricks and mortar business owners (and any business which requires face-to-face contact with prospects and customers) how to create bold and unique marketing, which stands out from the masses.

High Impact Marketing also about creating special (and profitable) connections with customers, clients and patients.

One fun and easy way to enhance your relationship with customers AND help prospects understand what you’re all about is to show off your customers with three very specific types of photographs ANY business owner can easily capture.

Trust me, if you follow this advice, these photographs will become valuable marketing assets, you’ll use over and over again.


High Impact Marketing Customer Photo Strategy #1 – Take Photos with Customers

This is so easy to do everybody reading this can start immediately. Essentially you want to set up a system to proactively take photos with happy customers either in your location, at events, etc.

Years ago I purchased a new car and on the day I picked it up, they parked it in front of their dealership and took a Polaroid photo of me standing next to it to put up on their customer wall of fame in the dealership (a High Impact Marketer would do this AND send a copy of the photo along with handwritten card or note as a follow up step).

If you have a physical store, office or location, why not set up a “photo area” where you do your best to capture 100% of your customers during their visit? Make sure you or a key staff member is in the photo too!

You can take these photos inside your location. In front of your location, etc.  For example,

  • a martial arts studio owner can have an area where he takes photos of students when they graduate to the next belt
  • an orthodontist can have an area where she takes a photo with patients who just got their braces removed
  • a retail store owner can have a “happy customer photo area” in their store

You can then take these photos and create:

  • a “fan book
  • put them up on a customer wall of fame
  • create a special photo area on your web site
  • send them to the customer in a personalized thank you note, etc.


High Impact Marketing Customer Photo Strategy #2 – Take Photos with Customers Enjoying the Benefits of Your Product or Service

For those business owners who have a product or service that lends itself to this type of photo, then by all means set up a marketing system to capture these photos.

For example, these are photos you can take at the time of delivery of a product or at the completion of a service you provided, e.g. I can see a landscaper taking a photo with happy home-owners after completing a landscape project.

The important thing to remember is that you and the customer are in the photo and you’re not just taking photos of the completed project, etc.

People love to look at pictures of other people and you want to make sure you add this personal touch.


High Impact Marketing Customer Photo Strategy #3 – Customer Selfies

For the most part, I find “selfies” annoying and a disturbing societal trend, however since just about everybody has a smart phone you should be able to easily get these. (BTW, in case you don’t know what a selfie is – it is a self-portrait photo, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone).

On the other hand, the “customer selfie” is the perfect way to capture a fun photo of customers when you don’t have a face-to-face photo opportunity. The idea is to ask customer to send you a photo of them using your product/service or enjoying the benefit of your product/service.  Creating a fun contest around this is a smart strategy!

Recently, in return for a gift, I’ve asked my High Impact Marketing Club members to send me a selfie of them reading or holding up my High Impact Marketing Report newsletter (the selfie above is from attorney, Dave Frees, who was reading my newsletter on a recent trip). The ones I’ve gotten so far have been great and you can see a few of them here. If you haven’t sent me in yours yet – please do so!


  1. Dr. Carney on May 14, 2014 at 1:41 pm

    Mike as always, you’re thinking and marketing. That’s why I feel like you’re one of the best marketers on the planet. Yeah your stuff isn’t that complicated, which makes it very attractive. It does what it needs to do, and if anyone had any sense, they’d look at what you do, attend a seminar, then model your seminar because it’ll get the job done, and it’ll make them money. You’re a genius and it’s a pleasure to know you. Your work is a five star thing. Don’t ever forget that Mike.
    Dr. Carney

  2. Mike Capuzzi on May 14, 2014 at 2:44 pm

    Hey Doc! Nice to hear from you! BTW, before Monday, you had the “longest distance” to attend one of my workshops awards, but it got beat out this week from a gal who traveled 5,000 miles from Alaska to attend my latest workshop.