3 Historic Philadelphians Business Owners Should Know

On this episode of 3 in 3, in honor of the Philadelphia Eagles heading to the Super Bowl to play the New England Patriots once again, I’m going to share three historic Philadelphians and their infamous written words which are appropriate for reading and study for all business owners today.

Get ready for 3 in 3!


High Impact Marketing Tip #1

The first Philadelphian I want to highlight is John Wanamaker, who founded the one of the first department stores in America and one that bears his name, Wanamaker’s.

John Wanamaker was noted for his successful use of advertising, and he was one of the first major merchandisers to employ advertising agencies.

Wanamaker was a man of wisdom and advice.  In 1916 a book captured many of his sayings and I share it here with you today because over 100 years later most is still relevant.


High Impact Marketing Tip #2

The next Philadelphian is Russell Conwell who was a minister, lawyer and writer and while he wasn’t born in Philly, he became a Philadelphian.

Conwell is best remembered as the founder of Temple University and for his inspirational lecture, Acres of Diamonds, which he delivered over 6,000 times around the world.

Acres of Diamonds challenges you to find the opportunity and success that is closer than you realize.

If you’ve never read this classic essay, I share it here with you today.


High Impact Marketing Tip #3

The final famous Philadelphian is one that needs no introduction.  Ben Franklin is known to all and considered Philly’s most famous entrepreneur.

Franklin was a man of wit and wisdom, much of which he shared in his classic publication, Poor Richard’s Almanack.

If you’ve never read any of Franklin’s writings there are funny, pointed and make you think.

My final resource is a 1914 book that compiled 670 of his iconic sayings from the Almanack and I share it here today to inspire, motivate and make you smile.

So that wraps up this “Philly Focus” episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi.

On the next episode of 3 in 3, I am going to share three other Philly people you should know and all three are alive and well and helping business owners prosper.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to two weeks of Eagles hype and craziness.  It’s been a long time coming for Philly.

I hope you profit from what I have shared and until next time, keep on marketing!


  1. George Platt on January 23, 2018 at 10:06 am

    Thank you, Mike,I appreciate the resources! Go kick some Patriot butt!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on January 23, 2018 at 10:32 am

    Thanks George – good to hear from you!

  3. Alan on January 23, 2018 at 11:44 am

    “Every man may find some kind of opportunity in front of him if he is in earnest to avail himself of it.” ~ John Wanamaker

    Thanks Mike. I intend to avail myself of these 3 excellent resources!

  4. Mike Capuzzi on January 23, 2018 at 12:02 pm

    You are welcome Alan!

  5. Eric Bakey on January 23, 2018 at 12:38 pm

    GO EAGLES! Great video and thanks for sharing these timeless resources.

  6. Mike Capuzzi on January 23, 2018 at 1:56 pm

    Thanks Eric. I know a student of marketing like you will appreciate these.

  7. Mark Lewis on January 29, 2018 at 12:05 am

    As a fellow Eagles supporter, even though my Eagles are part of the Australian Football League – The West Coast Eagles- I reckon you are on a winner! Thanks for the great resources. Acres of Diamonds is a timely reminder for us all. Thanks Mate and C’mon Eagles!

  8. Mike Capuzzi on January 29, 2018 at 11:08 am

    Mark – very cool and thank you for the note!