3 Tips for Creating Your Own “Help Before You Sell” Short Book

Welcome to this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi - the only web tv show guaranteed to give you three High Impact Marketing tips in only three minutes or less!

I'm Mike Capuzzi and thanks for watching.

On this episode of 3 in 3, I'm going to continue my discussion of about the power of information-first advertising and marketing.  On this episode, I’m going to focus on my favorite information-first tool – the short book - so get ready for 3 in 3!

High Impact Marketing Tip #1

Short books are exactly what the name implies.  They are short, easy-to-read paperback-style books, anywhere from 16 – 64 pages, written and designed to serve one specific purpose in your marketing efforts.  This could be to attract an ideal lead or to help convert a prospect into a customer.

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I started using short books back in 2006 and I continue to use them in 2018.

The big benefit is they are easy and fast to create and print.

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You can publish a simple, saddle-stitched short book at your local printer

Or you can go with a more traditional perfect-bound book you can get printed at CreateSpace or other online book printers for a few dollars a copy.

High Impact Marketing Tip #2

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Short books make a powerful first impression.  If you had your own short book and used it instead of a traditional business card or brochure, I can guarantee you would immediately set yourself and your business above your competition.

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You can hand out your short book when meeting prospects for the first time and you can allow people to download it from your website.

The key is to remember a short book is designed for a specific person to help them get what it is they are looking for, relative to your product or service.

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They are not brochures and they are not your personal memoirs.

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They are helpful guides that ultimately lead to you as the choice to do business with.

High Impact Marketing Tip #3

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Your short book should focus on ONE BIG IDEA and how you help others solve a problem or gain something they want.

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You can also share tips, ideas and ways to avoid mistakes when purchasing your product or service.

Remember the whole point of information-first marketing is to help before you sell, and a short book can help you do exactly that.

So that wraps up this episode of 3 in 3 with Mike Capuzzi and I hope you found this information useful.

I would love to hear your ideas, thoughts and any suggestions you have so leave a comment below and until next time, keep on marketing!


  1. Andrew Mazer on March 6, 2018 at 10:13 am

    Mike, I really enjoyed your latest short book, The High-Impact Marketing Manifesto. I literally made more notes in the book than most any other book I’ve ever read.

    You’re doing a great job with 3-in-3 and I’m glad you brought it back. Sometimes these efforts seem to leave one feeling they’re alone in a field of crickets, so I wanted you to know, WE’RE WATCHING!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on March 6, 2018 at 10:31 am

    Thanks Andrew!

  3. Anthony Attanasio on March 6, 2018 at 9:13 pm

    Short books are a great way to separate you from your competition. Strong tool.

  4. Mike Capuzzi on March 7, 2018 at 9:09 am

    Anthony – indeed. Do you have one for your business?