7 Smart Ways to Use CopyDoodles on Webinars

A smart way to add bottom-line sales and more unique and credibility-boosting value to your business is by using CopyDoodles on your webinars.

Personally, I am a huge fan of webinars and over the year’s I’ve hosted hundreds of webinars. Some that were informational and free, some that sold a product and some that required a fee to be a part of.

If you can use a computer – you can host webinars.

Think of a webinar as an opportunity for your customers, clients, patients or prospects to “look over your shoulder” as you conduct some type of computer presentation.

I cannot think of a single type of business owner who could not figure out how to host either live or recorded webinars and help strengthen their business relationships and increase sales.

If you’re just getting started with webinars or having been doing them for a few months, I invite you to check out http://www.theperfectwebinar.com .

Using CopyDoodlesÂź to market and enhance your webinars is a smart strategy. Here are 7 ways you can use CopyDoodles on your next webinar!

1) Use one of our brand new WebinarDoodles, which is a collection of over 50 handwritten webinar-specific phrases. Many of these are from my own personal collection of CopyDoodles I created for my own webinars.

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2) Use CopyDoodles in your pre-webinar print marketing. You can use CopyDoodles to create excitement in your newsletters, flyers and postcards promoting your next webinar.

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3) Use CopyDoodles in your pre-webinar email marketing. Insert a CopyDoodle or two in your next webinar email campaign.

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4) Use CopyDoodles on your webinar registration pages. A proven way to get more people to sign up is to use CopyDoodles to create a unique, personalized “eye-magnet” on your webinar registration pages.

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5) Use CopyComics on your webinar registration pages. I love using CopyComics on my web pages and you can use them to jazz up your webinar registration pages so they don’t look like every other webinar page out there.

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6) Use CopyDoodles during your webinar! This is another technique I love using. CopyDoodles work great to add visual spice to your PowerPoint presentation. You can even use the various custom animation settings in PowerPoint to simulate the CopyDoodle being written.

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7) Use CopyDoodles on your webinar replay pages! After you hosted a live webinar, you’re going to want to leverage a webinar replay using the recording. Use CopyDoodles on your webinar replay pages for a personalized touch!

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Three BIG takeaways in this article
 first, figure out a way to start using webinars in your business!

Second, use CopyDoodles to enhance your webinars!

Third, check out http://www.theperfectwebinar.com !


  1. Scott Gardner on May 18, 2011 at 7:57 pm


    Tried to visit ThePerfectWebinar.com but it seems to be off-line. Can’t trace of ping it.

    However, that doesn’t keep me from loving your work and excellent advice about using CopyDoodles for webinars!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on May 19, 2011 at 7:45 am

    Thanks Scott. The link is working for me. Try again!
