8 Exciting, New Ways I Can Help You Improve Your Marketing!

As 2010 winds down, the smart entrepreneur automatically starts thinking about starting off 2011 with new and powerful initiatives.  I myself have spent a number of hours recently with my team thinking about creating even more value for my customers and clients.

This is a question you should be pondering too.  How can you create even more value for your customers, clients, or patients?

I have a number of new things to help business owners and entrepreneurs get more juice out of their marketing in 2011 and beyond.  Here’s a list of the biggies and you can watch the video above to learn even more about each of these (and maybe get a few ideas for your business too!).

1. Former customer (and creator of the Lauren Edition of CopyDoodles), now marketing director, Lauren Wuscher has joined our team and will be focused on spreading the gospel of CopyDoodles.

2. Lauren will be publishing a CopyDoodles Access Club Members-only e-newsletter that will be chock-full of cool ideas to polish the look of your copy.  It’s called CopyBling and the first issue is will be sent to Members later this week!

3. If you’re heading to the Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle InfoSummit, make sure you stop by the CopyDoodles booth and say “Hi” to Lauren.  While you’re there, she has a special, valuable gift for all attendees, so make sure you grab your Copy Cosmetics tip sheet in Baltimore!

4. We’ve updated our CopyDoodles Affiliate Program and are actively looking for the right Affiliates to help promote CopyDoodles.  We are also looking for Joint Venture partners to create industry niche editions. Let us know if either of these opportunities might be right for you.

5. I am starting a new Web TV network with two shows on it.  The first show is CopyDoodles TV, which is back in production for the third year.  Each month, I plan on releasing two valuable episodes to show you innovative ways to increase the attention-grabbing power of your marketing with CopyDoodles and everything else found in the CopyDoodles Access Club.

I am also producing a brand new Web TV show.  It’s called Mike Capuzzi’s 3 in 3 and you’re gonna love it.  Each episode is only 3 minutes long and will contain 3 unique ideas, resources or tips to help you and your business.  It’s very cool and our first episode is scheduled to debut on Tuesday, November 2, 2010!

6. Hundreds of folks have attended my CopyDoodles Success Webinars and based on the positive response, we’ll keep bringing these to you.  These LIVE webinars will feature some of the smartest marketers and entrepreneurs I know in a content-rich, no-pitch monthly webinar.

7.In 2011, I will be hosting my second year of my Elite Experience Mastermind Group.  I am hosting an introductory webinar on November 4, 2010.  Details at:


8. And finally, I’ve spent the last year working on a very unique, very powerful “personalized marketing” software system that I plan on opening up to the world in early 2011.  Early adopters love it and it has the potential to change the way bricks and mortar business owners create marketing campaigns.

So that’s what we are up to.  I hope each of these initiatives can help you build an even more profitable business in 2011!


  1. Linda Steele Thom on October 21, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    With all you have in the works, it sounds like Lauren is a welcome addition! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date, Mike. BTW, how would you like to have a “Linda” font?
