One way to get attention – a marketing promotion that rocks!

In marketing, how to get attention is not easy, yet it is fundamentally important.  This article describes one way a smart marketer got my instant attention and how you can possibly use this same strategy to get attention with your marketing.

Last week I had the privilege of hosting a group of smart business owners and entrepreneurs at a two day information-marketing seminar here in Philadelphia and a few days before the start of this seminar, one of the attendees did something that was so unique, I had to share it with you.


Phil Brakefield has been a customer, member and subscriber of mine for several years now and he’s one of the foremost experts on how to create and use promotional items with a 40+ year track record at doing some amazing things.  I’ve been buying from him for a few years now and I’m always amazed at what he comes up with for me.

Last week, he outdid himself.

A few days before the seminar, UPS delivered a five-foot long box and when we opened it, there was a custom, Capuzzi-branded Peavey electric guitar staring back at me.  The guitar featured a number of my product logos and looked amazing.


To say it got my attention would be an understatement and while I don’t play guitar, it now has a prominent place in my office.

In all my years of creating various marketing promotions, I have never seen anything like this and when I asked Phil about it, I was surprised at just how cost-effective creating a one-off guitar like this can be (e.g. a couple of hundred dollars).

As a marketer, you know that the critical first step in any marketing effort is getting the attention of your recipient and for the right marketing campaign (or target recipient), creating something unique like this might just do the trick for you.

Let’s say you work in the business to business world and you’re targeting senior executives.  You could easily create a custom-branded guitar and send it to them as part of a multi-step campaign, letting them know how you can “rock their world.”

Now for most people reading this, other than seeing a very cool promotional idea, there’s probably really not a practical way to leverage this specific idea and that’s OK.  My whole point was to show you something different (and introduce you to Phil if you’re looking for unique promotional items).

However for a very small group reading this, a custom-branded guitar (or something equally as powerful) could be your opportunity to meet with a business owner, executive, VIP, etc. And it would be dollars well spent.


Phil is a stand-up guy and I could not offer a higher recommendation.  Contact him at 800.859.2831.


NOTE: I just announced my next information-marketing blueprint seminar to be held this coming October.  This one day seminar will be focusing on how you can create a six-figure newsletter publishing business.  Details not available yet, but you can get on my advanced email notification list by visiting


  1. Charles Gaudet on July 15, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    Brilliant, brilliant in so many ways!

    Thank you for sharing Mike & Phil!

  2. Bert Clattenburg on July 16, 2013 at 9:53 am

    I wanted to attend Mike’s Info Marketing course but had a conflict in my schedule. I hope there are more opportunities down the road.

  3. Mark Fitzgerald on July 16, 2013 at 11:43 am

    Come on Mike, don’t tell me you haven’t heard (or seen) 3-D mailings before? Lumpy mail, or in this case (a guitar), your friend Phil was able to pull at your heart strings to get you to notice what he does best! Lumpy mail always gets opened first. And isn’t that the opportunity for all marketers to want…getting the attention of the recipient FIRST before anyone else does? Now that you’ve given me the idea, I’ll swipe and deploy it sometime in the near future. Maybe I will send you (or another client) a personalized Louisville Slugger bat! It is great to be living here in Louisville where the Louisville Cardinals are No. 1 in college basketball; the Louisville Bats are the Triple-A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds; and it is always “Possibility City” wherever you conduct business in this little river city!

  4. Mike Capuzzi on July 16, 2013 at 4:44 pm

    Bert – next one is in October. Get on the advanced notification list at

  5. Mike Capuzzi on July 16, 2013 at 4:45 pm

    Mark – of course I am familiar with lumpy mail, but a custom-printed electric guitar goes WAY beyond “lumpy mail.” Like I said, even I was blown away with this example.

  6. Andrew Mazer on July 16, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    Per Chet Holmes, I’m working on my Dream 100 list of prospective clients. I find prospects generally from traditional marketing outlets and identify their weaknesses and then see how bad their online presence is which lets me know how certain I feel my services can help them. Too often, the owners hide their names and if you call and ask for it, OMG, it’s like an act of terror. Anyone have the inside scoop on the best way to get the owner’s name?

  7. Tina Wilks on July 18, 2013 at 11:24 pm

    Loved the guitar.

    Have you seen these

    Great for getting a personalised message across and easy to update

  8. Mike Capuzzi on July 19, 2013 at 8:43 am

    Tina – I have seen those here in the U.S. Very cool idea.

  9. Michael Lee on July 26, 2013 at 9:49 am

    Where is the link to Phils website if I were to want a guitar?

  10. Mike Capuzzi on July 30, 2013 at 10:29 am

    Michael – give him a call. Best way to contact him. 800.859.2831 or contact my office for his email address.