One of the Best Ways to Advertise to Increase Your Profitability

One of the best ways to advertise is by using comics in your marketing pieces. Over the years, a lot of marketers have gotten away from using comics in their marketing, but not because it doesn’t work, simply because they’re not aware of their power! Using comics is still a great way to grab attention and increase response!

John Caples, a world famous copywriter and ad man from the 40s and 50s said:

“For more than 50 years, readership studies have shown that
comic strips are among the best read features in publications.
Making an ad look like a comic strip can greatly increase readership.”

Using comics is one of the best ways to advertise because they add personality to your marketing and help it stand out not only from your competition, but the mass of marketing clutter out there. If you are a student of direct marketing, you may have seen a lot of very classic examples of using comics in marketing for business such as Colgate, Coca Cola, Lucky Cigarettes, and more.

In the CopyDoodles Access Club, we strongly believe using comics (especially our own unique, copyright-free CopyComics) is one of the best ways to advertise to increase your profitability. We have nearly 500 copyright-free comics members can choose from to place on envelopes, newsletters, websites, emails, and more. Below is just one example of the types of comics members can add to their online and offline marketing pieces to boost response.


Comics are one of the best ways to advertise because they do a great job of tapping into the emotional connection you have with your readers and any smart marketer will tell you this gives you a huge advantage over your competition!

With that advantage does come some drawbacks. Though, it’s one of the best ways to advertise, using comics in your marketing can be costly to find and hire an artist or designer to create them for you, especially for a small business owner who will only be using these in campaigns a few times throughout the year.

Fortunately, CopyComics makes it effortless and cost-effective! The process is simple: you search through our library of comics and download any you choose completely copyright-free (meaning you can use them absolutely anywhere on your marketing pieces with no additional charge). After choosing, you have the opportunity to change the tag line, or leave as is!

And if that weren’t enough, we just released an entirely new line of CopyComics guaranteed to be one of the best ways to advertise yet in terms of increasing readability. These new comics are called “punch out CopyComics” and with them you can not only create your own tag line, but you can even insert your logo, picture of your website or book cover, head shot, or other graphics directly into the comic within minutes to wow your readers!


In this before and after example of our brand new punch out comics, you can see we added our CopyDoodles Access Club website to the screen of this computer. We did this all without having to pay big bucks and hire an artist to draw this for us! If you would like to find out more about how to easily and quickly use our punch out CopyComics, check out our newest episode of CopyDoodles TV today! You can also view a few other examples of the new punchout comics below:

book phone

Using comics is one of the best ways to advertise because they are fun and easy to use in your marketing and can add a special touch so you connect with your readers on a more personal level. Who doesn’t remember waking up on Sunday morning as a kid and reaching for the comics section of the newspaper?

To find out more about using CopyComics in your advertising, visit our website at I’d love to hear your comments about using comics as one of the best ways to advertise in your industry, so please leave them below!