Effective Strategies to Boost Your Direct Mail Response

Last week, I had the privilege of being one of a handful of guest experts at Dan Kennedy’s Mailbox-Millions seminar, where close to 300 business owners gathered to discover ways to improve their direct mail results. 

Mike Capuzzi

This was the third time Dan has asked me to speak at one of his small, boutique seminars and this time I presented an info-packed session on more than 10 very specific strategies and techniques to help improve direct mail results.

If you’re not using direct mail as one of your main marketing strategies, there’s a very good chance you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.  We all know that email deliverability is at an all time low and the emails that do get through are ignored by the majority of the recipients.

On the flip side, you’ve probably noticed your mail box (the one your postal service delivers to) is a lot less crowded these days, which offers you and me a chance to get a high-impact message in front of our target market.  Your effective direct mail campaigns should consist of:

  • A good mailing list which matches very specific criteria
  • An eye-catching, personal-looking package and format
  • Well-written, compelling copy
  • An irresistible offer and reasons to respond now
  • Multiple ways to respond
  • Typically multiple mailings done over time

What I focused on at Mailbox-Millions were specific design and technology techniques, including the use of:

  • QR codes
  • PURLs
  • Variable data printing and personalization
  • Unique window envelopes
  • Faux mailers
  • Involvement devices
  • Eye magnets

Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi

Mike Capuzzi

During my presentation, I covered these techniques and more, as simple and effective ways to boost your direct mail results.


  1. Alan on May 25, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Thanks Mike. You always deliver the marketing goods! Looking ahead to having my horizons expanded once again.

  2. Mike Capuzzi on May 25, 2012 at 10:48 am

    Thanks Alan. It will definitely get your direct mail juices flowing!

  3. Kathee on May 25, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    Thanks Mike. You always deliver — looking forward to it.