Business Thank You Letters: The importance of showing gratitude [CDTV: Episode 4]

Business Thank You Letters and notes are important to send to clients, colleagues, and customers, not just around the Thanksgiving Holiday. A business thank you letter or note should be sent when you get a new client/customer, when a new client/customer gives you a new project, when someone makes a referral to your company, to a peer who gives helpful advice, as a follow up, for a job well done, or simply when someone shows you kindness.
No one will ever complain about receiving a business thank you letter or note in the mail. Check out this week’s episode of CopyDoodles TV where Mike Capuzzi goes in depth to explain the importance of sending business thank you letters.


  1. Dave on November 23, 2010 at 7:36 pm


    Great video!
    Where do you get your thank you notes printed?


  2. Mike Capuzzi on November 23, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    Hi Dave,

    I use Mike Schnitzius –

    I’m glad you enjoyed the video!

  3. Charlie McDermott on November 24, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    Hi Mike… once again you have INSPIRED me! I’ve just redesigned my Thank You cards and had Mike Schnitzius print them. Now for the really important part… filling them out and sending 🙂 Gonna do that too!

    Thanks a bunch!

    Charlie McDermott