Copy Cosmetic Tips-How to Create Eye-Catching Bullet, Number & Check Lists

One of the smartest copywriting strategies is to use lists, such as bullet, check, and number lists when writing about your product or service, however 98% of copywriters and marketers overlook the critical importance of how their lists look and what they can do to make them stand out and grab the attention of their reader.

It’s a fact
 how your copy and marketing LOOKS is critical for getting maximum readership and maximum response and conversion.  I am currently putting together a book that describes all the unique techniques you can use to improve the cosmetics of your copy and today I want to look at technique # 25 – lists.

If you look at successful advertisements, web sites, sales letters, they typically all use some type of list within them to air out the copy and create short, visual nuggets of information.

One of the smartest strategies for writing lists is to think of all the “reasons why” a prospect should invest in your product or service and use them as the basis for your list.

Once you have your lists created, the next step is to add copy cosmetics to spice up the look of your copy and grab the attention of your reader.

Use several unique strategies, including the use of CopyDoodles¼ to replace your word processor’s generic black round dots and numbers.  You can easily import a CopyDoodles into your program and create the look of a handwritten list.

If you’re printing in color the double impact of a hand-drawn checkmark in red really stands out and magnetizes the reader to your copy.  Watch the video to learn how to do this.

The other neat technique I like to use is to add CopyDoodles around my lists with phrases like “Check these out!” or “Don’t miss these” and then add a CopyDoodles arrow to point to my list.

By adding CopyDoodles you are creating eye-magnets which allow you to selectively emphasize key points within your copy.  This allows both skimmers and readers to instantly see what it is you want them to see and take the action you want them to take!


  1. John Kitsmiller on April 1, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I agree that bullets are a great tool and many times people don’t read the copy and just read the lists. Gotta say though, couldn’t bear to watch a 9+ minute video about bullets/lists. Consider a shorter net-net video.

  2. Ron Nielsen on April 1, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    Just heard about Copydoodles from Bill Glazer at an event. Is Copydoodles online software or downloadable? Specifically, can I use it from a Mac?

  3. David Cathers on April 1, 2010 at 8:00 pm


    This was a good review from Philly workshop. I like the fact that you went through the process of how to Format and repeated it.



  4. Mike Capuzzi on April 1, 2010 at 9:14 pm


    I’m glad you enjoyed it.


  5. Mike Capuzzi on April 1, 2010 at 9:15 pm


    Thanks for the feedback on video. I really appreciate you checking in and sharing your thoughts.


  6. John Tate on April 1, 2010 at 10:43 pm


    Great lesson. Thanks for taking the time to go through and show us the process of changing the bullets in Word. Seeing you do it, instead of just having you tell about it really helps us “visual brain” people. 🙂

  7. Sarah on April 5, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the video. Your step by step demonstration is very helpful.


  8. Mike Capuzzi on April 14, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    Yes, you can use CopyDoodles on a Macintosh.