Marketing Tips- 6 Reasons Why Disney is a Great Company (Part 3 of 3)

So far I’ve covered the first four reasons we learned Disney is a great company (and great marketer) at our recent Mike-Capuzzi-Mastermind-Group-Disney-World-Topiarybehind-the-scenes tour for my Elite Experience Mastermind Group.

To recap:

1) Ask for feedback (and capture contact info)
2) Create and share your story
3) Foster an environment of idea sharing
4) Create a “behind-the-scenes” experience for your customers

5) Disney speaks “Disney-ese”
Leave it to Disney to make the guest experience even more magical by coming up with its own language.   For example:

•    “Guest” instead of customer
•    “Cast member” instead of employee
•    “On-stage” and “backstage” to describe the “front office” and “back office”
•    And words like imagineering, edutainment, and merchantising are all further proof of Disney’s uniqueness and the effort they go to stand out.

Developing your own language and unique names for processes and services in your business is smart and helps prevent competitors from making an “apples to apples” comparison to you.

When I consult with business owners, we often spend time on this process trying to create a unique positioning (complete with a name) in the mind of their prospect and customers.

CopyDoodles® is an example where I created a word that has now taken on its own life.  When marketers mark-up their copy they refer to it as “copydoodling” or their letter was “copydoodled.”

Spend some time and think about how you can come up with your own language for your business!

Which brings me to our final lesson learned at Disney…

6) Disney has a profound belief and presence of its corporate culture
As we were touring the behind-the-scenes corridors and spaces of Disney, signs and posters for the cast members constantly reminded them of why their jobs were so important.

Even our hostess had a small business card that had certain values printed on them that she carried with her.

What does your business stand for?

If you have employees – do they understand why your business exists to serve its customers and clients?

Disney is a stellar example of a company that understands why it exists and it does everything in its power to make sure all the guest members do the same.

So that’s the six big lessons we learned this week at Disney.  I hope you can benefit from them.


  1. David Cathers on March 2, 2010 at 6:58 pm

    Thanks Mike for a Great Experience.

    The Mastermind Group we now have is a power one. Everyone seemed to share and work together with a sincere interest in helping each other.

    And the behind the scenes adventure was Amazing. Every little detail and each with an important meaning. And you know what else made it Great. They do this all to create Fun. That’s something we all need to add to our businesses and life.

    See you soon,

    David Cathers
    Gig Harbor, WA

    P.S. Join me for my next webinar on March 11th at 11:00 am P.S.T.

  2. Brian T. Edmondson on March 3, 2010 at 3:20 am


    Thanks for sharing some of your biggest takeaways from the Disney Institute trip… lots of valuable nuggets from what sounds like an awesome experience.

    I’ve heard a lot about these behind the scenes Disney trips, but haven’t attended one yet; it’s definitely on my list of things to do!


  3. Mike Capuzzi on March 11, 2010 at 6:52 pm


    I’m glad you found these tips helpful and you find a way to use them in your business.


  4. Jim Allen on March 21, 2010 at 6:41 pm

    Hey Mike,

    It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m writing a sales letter while watching some March Madness. I think I’m addicted. And that’s exactly my point. So I thought, if you don’t mind, I would address this to your readers.

    I have been re-invigorated with my business. Alot of that has to do with Mike Capuzzi. And if anyone out there is reading this, read closely. If you have a chance to read Inside The Magic Kingdom and take a behind the scenes tour of Disney, jump at it like a dog through a hoop.

    Mike Capuzzi is genuine. It’s that simple. He is an entrepreneur that has had success but gets a kick out of giving back. There is more to him and his business philosophy than “just taking your money” A lesson for us all.

    I was on the fence when applying for Mike’s Elite Experiential Mastermind Group. But when I talked to Mike about it on the phone, I think the sincerety in his voice is what told me, not sold me. “I am so sure, Jim, that this will help your business tremendously. I just know it”

    So I will be as genuine as I can be, he was dead on. The ideas and advice from the group, as well as from Mike, has more than paid for the year’s fee in just one meeting! Without question. I came home the intial meeting and very quickly shared my experience with my team members. I told them that we are going to kind of re-invent ourselves. I see excitement in their eyes. A pep in their step sort of speak. As a team we are doing some really cool things.

    If you have a chance to apply to Mike’s EEMG, here’s what you’ll find. Mike has a cool professor-like style. He’s truly a teacher. Someone you want to pay attention to. But not only that, you will get value. You will be surrounded by smart smart people. And yes, if you implementwhat you will learn, you will grow your business. Oh and one more thing, your group will hold you accountable. Just like a Board of Directors.

    I would reccommend to anyone that is contemplating a Mastermind group to stop thinking….just do it.

    I am so sure that this will help your business tremndously. I just know it.

    Thanks Mike,

    Jim Allen
    TermiGuard Pest Services

  5. Mike Capuzzi on March 26, 2010 at 11:19 am


    Thanks for taking the time to leave this note. It really does mean a lot to me. You’re one of those elite marketers who “gets it.” I look forward to working with you in our Elite Master Mind group and I look forward to watching your business grow!
