How Online Marketers Can Use Webinars to Generate Profitable New Revenue Streams!: Part 2

onlineLast week I spoke about how offline business owners and professionals can use webinars in order to generate profitable new revenue streams. If you missed that article, make sure to check it out now!

And just in case you did miss that article, a webinar is typically a live video and audio presentation where attendees can see your computer screen and hear you talk as you navigate through a presentation, “how to” demonstration or anything else you’re showing on your computer. They also provide a rich participation environment and give you the flexibility to provide:

• Handouts before or after the webinar
• the ability for attendees to ask questions during the presentation
• live chat with the organizer or other participants
• live attendee polls for getting instant feedback
• automatic follow-up marketing to attendees and even non-attendees

Today’s webinar technology allows you to host LIVE webinars or RECORDED webinars that can be played on-demand or on some type of pre-determined schedule. And before you think you cannot use webinars in your business or think they are too complicated, I want you to know neither of these thoughts is correct and to prove my point, I’m going to describe four ways, four different types of online business owners can use webinars to generate or reinforce their business relationships and create more sales. Think about your own business and how you might be able to use webinars as you read through these scenarios.

Scenario #1: Diet & Health Author – Selling Digital Cookbooks Online
An ebook author could use webinars in several different ways to promote her ebooks. She could host virtual cooking classes for a fee where they show attendees how to make healthy meals. In this scenario, they could show videos or photos of how the food is prepared. She could allow real-time interaction and questions and answers from her paid attendees.

Scenario #2: SEO Expert – Lead Generation and Training Course
An SEO expert could use webinars in several different ways. He could host free, live lead generation webinars to show people how to do keyword research and then offer the opportunity to work with him as a consultant. He could also develop a 10-part course, with each part consisting of a webinar session showing a specific SEO topic. He could sell seats to the live webinars, record them and then use them in a webinar replay system that offers the 10 webinars over the course of 10 weeks in order to get additional sales.

Scenario #3: Internet/Affiliate Marketer – Promoting & Selling Products
An Internet/Affiliate Marketer could easily add webinars to drive new sales to large groups of attendees. Imagine a weekly webinar where she hosts affiliate partners on a content-rich webinar and then offers their product at the end of the webinar. Software demos and Power Point presentations work great as webinar content and are easily created.

Scenario #4: Information Marketer – Product Creation
Webinars provide a great way to create content that could be used to create print or electronic products that can be sold. An info-marketer could host a number of paid or free webinars and on each he is interviewing a guest expert on a specific topic. These webinars could be recorded and turned into videos, DVDs, books and courses.

So there you have four ideas I came up with for different types of online business owners. I know there are many others out there and the use of webinars in your business is only limited by your creativity and imagination.

perfect webinarTo help business owners get started using webinars, I’ve created a great product called How to Boost Your Business with P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Webinars! I’ve been using webinars since 2004 and How to Boost Your Business with P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Webinars contains all the strategies, tools and techniques to create hugely profitable webinars, including my proven 7 step strategy to Plan & Promote, Engage, Record, Follow-up, Edit, Convert, and Turn a webinar into a cash machine for your business!

Start creating webinars in your business today!