Leap Year Marketing Tactics That Only Come Along Every 1461 Days (Part 1)

leap year celebrateThis month we celebrate a holiday around the globe that only comes around every 4 years (or 1461 days) and which makes February just a little bit longer so there’s an extra day for sales, promotions, marketing, and fun.

Leap year is the perfect opportunity to come up with unique marketing strategies that capture your audience’s attention. In today’s post, I’m going to give you a few Leap Year marketing ideas you can use starting right now.

I’m also going to tell you about a few special items to make those ideas even more amazing. This is Part 1 of this article and tomorrow we will be posting Part 2 which contains even more Leap Year Marketing ideas you can start using!

Leap Year Idea #1: Gift Certificates

Send a gift certificate to your list stating you’re passing the extra day of sales on to them as savings (you can even get a gift certificate template in my brand new SMART Ideas print newsletter).

This gift certificate can be for any amount you like - $4 for Leap Year, $10, $15. It’s just to thank you customers and let them know you’re giving back to them for being so great.

Leap Year Idea #2: Mystery Gifts

On Leap Year, give all your customers who purchase a special “Once Every Four Years” surprise/mystery gift. A lot of companies are capitalizing on this because people are always interested in mystery and want to know, “What am I going to get?”

Whether it’s a special gift promoting your company, a T-shirt, a gift card, or a small gift, customers love the intrigue.

To enhance all of these ideas, we’ve add a boatload of new Leap Year CopyDoodles and CopyComics into the CopyDoodles Access Club, as you can see below.

leap year

These would be a great addition to any of the above ideas to generate even more attention towards your promotions and sales.

To access these Leap Year items, simply log in to the CopyDoodles Access Club and search for the keyword “leap year.” If you’re not a member, simply head over to www.copydoodles.com and check out our brand new website with new membership options!

Also, make sure to check out my BRAND NEW print newsletter, SMART Ideas, which is packed full of valuable marketing ideas and tips you can start using immediately.

lauren smart ideasRight now, you can get the first issue for only $5 if you’re here in the US, or $10 if you’re International (due to the differences in shipping).

In the newsletter you’ll not only get access to a ton of awesome marketing ideas, but it includes my list if Leap Year Marketing Phrases you can use to come up with interesting slogans, sayings, and more. You can even get a gift certificate template (to use for idea #1) completely done for you as you can see below:


I’d love to hear the type of marketing you’re doing for Leap Year, so please leave all comments below!

Happy Leap Year!