6 Cool Ways Everyday Business Owners Have Added CopyDoodles to Their Marketing Mix!

CopyDoodles are one of the most fun and effective tools to add to your marketing mix. Thousands of satisfied clients from over 30 countries use CopyDoodles in their marketing mix to create print and online marketing that stands out and gets noticed.

Just this week, CopyDoodles Access Club Member Alan Steacy sent us this noteā€¦

“Mike Capuzzi’s CopyDoodles delight and dazzle the eye and make your copy dance off the page. Just sayin’.”


Thanks Alan for the kind words.

Alanā€™s note prompted me to write this article on how others are using CopyDoodles to spice-up their marketing mix and add some ā€œeye dazzle.ā€ I think youā€™ll enjoy seeing some of these recent additions to our CopyDoodles Hall of Fame!

This first example is one I just highlighted in the current episode of 3 in 3 at www.mikecapuzzi.tv. Itā€™s the worldā€™s largest CopyDoodle (as far as I know) from Darin Spindler’s marketing mix. He added a CopyDoodle to the tour bus heā€™s currently using to tour around the country and promote his Kids Bowl Free program.


I no sooner sent out the email about Darinā€™s bus, when I received an email from super-marketer Michael McLean who told me he added to his marketing mix, CopyDoodles that were as big as a house on his office building. Check out his newest banner (and green CopyDoodle arrows) on his office up in Perth, Canadaā€¦


At the other end of the CopyDoodles size spectrum, I met Dr. Jacquelyn Stanfield at the Glazer-Kennedy SuperConference and she showed me, from her marketing mix, her brand new business card that was inspired by a recent episode of CopyDoodles TV.

Itā€™s a die-cut, multi-panel business card featuring CopyDoodles and more. Talk about eye-catching! Great job Dr. Stanfield for adding CopyDoodles to her marketing mix!

dr stanfield

Keeping with the dental theme, Dr. Brian Berg shared his most recent newsletter from his marketing mix where he used our special ā€œpunch-outā€ CopyComics to add a bit of humor and personality to his marketing mix. Check out his million-dollar bill comic and his web site comicā€¦

brian b

Switching to an online example, hereā€™s a great looking squeeze page from Michael Carroll’s marketing mix where heā€™s using CopyDoodles very effectively to help build his list.


Finally, Linda Steele Thom used CopyDoodles in their marketing mix on a recent coffee mug promotional piece for a trade show she attended. Another fun and eye-grabbing example how folks are using CopyDoodles in their entire marketing mix!


So not only are CopyDoodles perfect for traditional marketing projects like direct mail and online marketing, they can be used on the sides of buses, office building and even coffee mugs!

I would love to see how youā€™re using CopyDoodles in your marketing mix – drop us a note and let us know what youā€™ve done and we may add you to our CopyDoodles Hall of Fame!


  1. Cindy Cyr on May 12, 2011 at 8:42 am

    Hey Mike,

    Love these tips–My husband was on the way to the printer to have a banner made for my son’s singing performances when I saw this. I called him up and said, “Stop the presses!” Realizing I had overlooked a critical component–CopyDoodles to draw attention to signing up for his mailing list! I know, I know, I should have thought of it sooner, however my mind is still getting used to remembering them for everything I do. These tips are a good reminder and inspiration for projects I’m working on. Thanks!

  2. Mike Capuzzi on May 12, 2011 at 8:51 am

    Cindy – too funny and thanks for the note. BTW, look for a big box in the mail from me šŸ™‚

  3. David Farr on May 12, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    Just goes to show, you can use Copy Doodles damn near anywhere! Love it!

  4. Mike Capuzzi on May 12, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    Amen to that David!

  5. Mark Madere on May 12, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    Mymembership has been AWESOME – not just for the access to so many cool CopyDoodles but for all the great tips I’ve picked up from your many e-mails! Keep ’em comin’ Mike.

  6. Cindy Cyr on May 12, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Wahoo! I’m sending a picture of our completed sign for you too see. We just added the CopyDoodle after reading this article today! My son was so excited–he didn’t know we were doing it and when he came home he said, “I really like that ‘Sign up here’ part.” (No lie–that’s what he said.) Then he said, “Wait–is that one of those CopyDoodle things?”

    copydoodles sign

  7. Alan Steacy on May 13, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    Mike, these are some awesome examples of using CopyDoodles to enhance copy. You have attracted so many creative marketers into your circle who are willing to enthusiastically share their stuff that we can’t help but benefit from being a CopyDoodle Access Club member. By the way, thanks for the mention. You made my day! Love Dalton’s sign. Start ’em young!