Marketing Tips: Swim With the Sharks and Learn!

Entrepreneur-shark-tank-marketing-lessonsI normally don’t watch a lot of TV, but one show I’ve really come to enjoy and suggest all entrepreneurs watch is Shark Tank on ABC.

Each episode is a valuable lesson for all entrepreneurs.  During the show, five ultra-successful entrepreneurs and multi-millionaires (a.k.a. the sharks) listen as business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the country pitch their business ideas to them with the hope of having one of the sharks invest in them.

The sharks, all hard-core Type-A personalities pummel the entrepreneurs with probing questions.  And these aren’t softball questions…

Depending on the answers, the deep-pocketed sharks either invest in the idea or send them off without money, but a valuable experience none-the-less.

After watching my first episode, I immediately went to

and watched a number of previous episodes.  There’s a ton of marketing and business lesions in each and I highly suggest you check them out.

In particular, pay attention to the questions the sharks ask and how each entrepreneur answers them.  They will definitely give you new insights into your business.


  1. Steve Sipress on February 18, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    Thanks, Mike!

    I didn’t even know this show existed. I love shows like this, and will definitely make it a point to watch every episode, notepad in hand!

  2. Joe Coates on February 18, 2010 at 6:12 pm


    I absolutely agree. Shark Tank is a must watch. Not just for me, but my 3 sons (aged 6, 8 and 11) can’t get enough of it either. Not only does every episode provide a primer on building and valuing a company (e.g. what is cost per customer acquisition, who is your target market – is it an identifiable, addressable niche, etc) but it is a great opportunity to get my sons thinking about entrepreneurship and what it really takes to get a business launched profitably. I love watching them get into the pitch, then predicting on which shark might invest.
    Shark Tank provides real teachable moments for kids and adults alike.

  3. Mike Capuzzi on February 20, 2010 at 2:38 pm


    Thanks so much for checking in. I knew when I posted a link to this show people would love it. And you’re right, it’s never to early to teach your little ones about entrepreneurship!


  4. Mike Capuzzi on February 20, 2010 at 2:39 pm


    I’m really glad I helped bring this to your attention. It is a fascinating show and one you’ll want to set your dvr so you don’t miss an episode.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It means a lot to me!

    Mike C